36. Paradise

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warnings - pregnancy, too much fluff

description - A year after arriving in Paradise, you find out you're pregnant. [based on this theory]

 [based on this theory]

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"Are you sure?"

"I think I'd know better than anyone, don't you think?"

Sonya - or Lizzy, as you preferred calling her - beamed at you. "Then you have to tell him!"

"Shhh!" You clasped your hand over her mouth. "Do you want everyone to find out?"

"They will eventually," she defended, pushing your hand away. "What are you gonna say to them when you swell up like a balloon?"

"I'll blame it on Frypan's casserole."

You both laughed. How lucky you were to have Lizzy by your side. You never once called her Sonya; ever since the two of you had gotten your memories back, you had grown close like sisters, which in a way was perfect since her brother was your boyfriend.

No, husband.

There hadn't really been a ceremony and no one really knew about it, but the thin wooden ring on your finger made you Newt's in every single way. Saving him from himself when he thought he'd contracted the Flare pretty much sealed the deal for you and Newt; he didn't want to live in a world without you and you didn't want to live in a world without him.

You and Lizzy watched as Newt brought his axe down on a log hard, splitting it cleanly in half. His shirt was damp with sweat and it clung to his body, giving you a perfect view of his muscles as they tensed with every swing.

"I still think you should tell him soon," Lizzy said. Sighing, she got up and brushed the dirt off her pants. "He'll be very happy."

You nodded and stared after her as she left. Then, a smile made its way to your lips.

Newt wiped the sweat off his brow with the front of his shirt and turned his head to you. He tossed the axe down onto a pile of wood nearby and started walking towards you. The slight ocean breeze blew through his blond hair, ruffling it to the side, and you found yourself mesmerized by his everything.

You got up to meet him halfway, intending to run into the safety of his arms, when coloured flecks of light started swimming before your eyes. Your skin prickled and all the blood in your head rushed down to your feet. The last thing you saw as your legs gave out and your vision turned black was Newt rushing towards you, his eyes wide with panic.

You came to shortly after and tried to tell Newt your fainting spell was probably caused by having gotten up too quickly, but he'd have none of it. He swept you into his arms and carried you all the way to the medic.

Lizzy was by your side in an instant. Her eyebrows furrowed in concern as Newt laid you down on a cot in the medic's hut.

"What happened?" she asked.

"She fainted," Newt told her.

"What?" Her tone went shrill. "In your condition?"

You gave her a pointed look in hope that she'd be quiet, but Newt didn't flit past the subject the way you'd hoped he would.

"What condition?" He narrowed his eyes. "(Y/N), is there something I should bloody know about?"

Swallowing hard, you sat up straight and rubbed your forearms. You looked up at him and gave him a tight-lipped smile. You had no idea how he was going to take the news.

"Remember all those times we talked about how much we wanted a family?" you began.

You didn't need to say anything else. Newt's pupils went wide and a look of disbelief fell on his face as everything clicked together in his head.

"Are you saying you're-"

"Pregnant? Yeah."

Before you knew it, Newt pulled you tightly into his arms and peppered your face with kisses. You buried your face in the crook of his neck, heat rushing into your cheeks. Another pair of arms wrapped around the two of you, and you looked up to see Lizzy grinning at the two of you, her strawberry blond hair hanging slightly in her face.

"You two sticks better not leave me out," she said. Newt pulled her closer, placing a kiss on both of your heads.

That evening at dinner, everyone seemed in a better mood. Gally had concocted some of his special liquor and Newt was all over it - and all over you. His hand never left your waist, and if he wandered away from you to talk to someone, he always came back and swept you in a kiss to show you how much he missed you. His lips latched onto yours and moved down to your neck, his hands wandering to places you knew he shouldn't have been touching so ardently in public.

Minho sauntered over to you and Newt, a toothy grin plastered on his face. He patted Newt on the back with a heavy hand and turned to you.

"Congratulations, (Y/N)," he said. "Newt told everyone about the good news. Man, you two must have been going at it like animals, huh?"

Newt smacked the back of Minho's head, earning a playful glare from the latter.

"Watch your bloody mouth," Newt warned, but his expression showed no signs of annoyance. He held you closer to his chest, a jar of spirits in his other hand.

"Hey, all I wanted to say is that I'd better be that kid's favourite uncle," Minho continued. "Gonna teach him all I know."

"That should take you 'bout five minutes, right?"

"Ha, that's very funny," he replied dryly. "Have fun, you two."

He left you and Newt alone.

"So, I think all this is worth celebrating," the blond said.

"Isn't that all we've been doing?"

"I meant the other kind."

You raised an eyebrow as Newt took another sip of liquor. His dark eyes were half-lidded and weary, but you saw a flicker of something else in them that made the hair on your arms rise. Lust.

You raised your head and kissed him deeply. "Then I think it's time we said our goodnights, don't you think?"

"Brilliant idea."

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