172. Always

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“Greenie came up again.”
“Who is it this time?”
“Did anything come with him?”

There was a chorus of questions surrounding the metal box, eager male faces surrounding the opening. Newt struggles to get at the front line, as always, welcoming the greenies to the Glade. As the chains rattle and the box opens up, gasps echoed off the walls, murmuring and confusion contaminating the air like a parasite.

There is a girl.

A girl, in the box. It was unheard of! Her (h/L) (h/c) hair slightly covers her glistening (e/c) orbs as she looks up in confusion and in fear, glancing to the side every now and then

“Wah- where am I?” she whispers softly, her orbs meeting Newt’s. Newt was stunned, but returned the smile just as gently, making the poor greenie blush. A couple of boys, still stunned by the ‘greenie girl’, carry her out of the box and Newt takes her soft and delicate hand.

“Welcome to the Glade, greenie. The name’s Newt. What’s your name? I know you only know that much.” Newt smiles and the girl looks away in embarrassment. Never before has she ever seen such a stunning young man like him…

… or so she thought. In fact, this ‘Newt” was right. She only knew her name and that she woke up in a metal box shooting upward. Her soft lips curve into a smile, “(y/n). My name is (y/n).”

“(y/n)…” Newt absentmindedly repeats aloud. It was a lovely name to suit your beautiful features. He could almost get lost in those (e/c) orbs of hers, watch her hair flow in the wind, hear her talk all day, but alas, night was painting the orange and red hues of the sky and it was nearly time for bed.

“Since it’s late, I’ll have to give you the tour tomorrow. But for now…” Newt whispers, taking hold of her hand once more, treasuring the delicate soft skin that lay beneath his calloused fingers, “You should get some rest. You look like you need it.” (y/n) giggles softly and she nods her head in agreement.

“I couldn’t agree more.” She smiles, squeezing his rough hand in contempt and warmth. As Newt takes (y/n) to her new quarters, the idea of telling her about this klunk hole completely disappears. It flew right over his head. The fact knowing a delicate and beautiful creature such as (y/n) being introduced to the hellish land they called the Maze, would scare her and she would cry for hours on end, wishing that she knew who her parents were and her entire history.

Just thinking about the tears that would soon surround her beautiful rosy cheeks made Newt cringe and his stomach churn with sadness. He takes a quick glance at (y/n) and sees her quickly turning her head away, desperately trying to hide her blush. Newt smiles as the sight, he could almost gloat with bride to make a greenie like you feel this way about him in just a few minutes, but now was not the right time.

“Where am I exactly, newt?” Her question rings through his ears, making him hesitate and stop in his tracks. His eyes scan her features, trying to unravel the source of her curiosity and shut it down. 

He did not want to be the one to tell her about the Maze, the Grievers, all that klunk. His eyes soften at the pleading looking her eyes. Oh, she wanted to know.

She wanted to know really bad. 

Soon enough, Newt gave in and blurted out everything. Once he was done,  he took in a breath and lost himself in those (e/c) eyes again. She was silent for a long time and that made Newt worry. She was thinking about the situation, her mind reeling with questions, but the sun had almost completely set and she was exhausted.

She looked up, her (h/l) (h/c) bobbed due to the sudden movement, “But… you will be here to protect me, right?”

Newt looked at her innocent form, his face inventing a new shade of rouge as he reaches his hand out to cup the side of her face, and in that moment, the two felt a wonderful connection. Newt’s chapped lips opened ever so slightly as he whispered, …

“I will always be here. Always.”

Thomas Sangster/ Newt Imagines& GIFsWhere stories live. Discover now