71. My little (not so) badass||Fluff

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We arrived in the compound last week and as of right now, nobody in Group A has a clue of what to do. Not even our glorious and impulsive Thomas has a clue (which is quite the shocker.)

Maybe I shouldn’t let what people do or say get to me so easily but, Newt is making me feel like I may not be his type. When we we arrived yesterday, the Group B girls were sitting in the cafeteria when a fight broke out between two of the girls and a guard a room over. One of them put him in a chokehold while the other ripped his gun from him and shot him in the shoulder, trying to steal his key card that accesses the facility.

All the guys were whispering about them and saying how hot they thought that was and Newt agreed. He said how much he likes badass “tough” girls. I don’t think he noticed how it could have messed with me.

That was a sign for me. Maybe Newt doesn’t like me like this, he might want a tough person. This whole week I’ve been in the gym room that they use here, training my ass off to get a little bit stronger and better at the “badass stuff the other girls are good at”.

In the glade, I never practiced with any kind of badass-ery or you know…running since I was a medjack. All I know how to do is fix the fierce ones who risk their lives daily.

I have been running on the treadmill for two miles already, trying to build some kind of endurance. But, I think I’ll try to climb the rope now (despite how intimidating it is). It’s a two story high climb that I wasn’t able to do last week, but maybe I can today.

“Be the badass, Y/N. For once, don’t take it easy.” I whisper to myself in hopes of some self motivation.

Stepping up to the rope and slowly securing my way up a few feet is my tactic for this.

“You can do this.”

Just a few more feet until I’m halfway, even though my legs are so dead from the two miles that I don’t think I can use them to push myself up anymore. All I need is three more feet up. As I am in the process of moving my feet up a notch on the rope my grip slips and I fall back onto the mat, landing on my right shoulder.

“Ah shit!” I scream and wince in pain, feeling a few tears quickly form in my eye.

At the moment, all I can feel is the stinging pain in my shoulder. I fell about ten feet onto it and it feels displaced, think I dislocated it, tons of the guys in the Glade had this happen to them. Usually it was builders falling off their l ladders, I can’t say I didn’t snicker when it happened to Gally.

The only way to fix a dislocation in the shoulder is to set the dislocation back into place. I have to set the bone back into place, on my own.

▪ ▪ ▪

“Oh my god, Newt you should have seen it. That one Group B girl was kicking ass today in the physical tests, we watched through a window.” Thomas says excitedly as they walk down the hallway that leads to our rooms.

“Oh, seriously? What happened?”

“She was practicing hand to hand combat and nearly killed the shank they had against her. It was nuts.” He rambles on as they open the door. I just lay down on my bunk that’s lowest to the floor, facing the wall with a blanket over me. I have I covering me cause right now I’m only in my sports bra, using my shirt as a sling to immobilize my arm for healing purposes.

“I wish I could’ve seen that.” He responds to Thomas’s antics with excitement which makes me frown a bit.
Great, he still thinks those girls are better than me. At least I think so.

They both get into the room and see me laying down, not greeting or acknowledging them.

“Hey, uh I’ll just go for a walk and try to find Teresa. Give you two some time alone to erm…talk or whatever it you guys do.” Thomas stammers and rushes out of the room.

Thomas Sangster/ Newt Imagines& GIFsWhere stories live. Discover now