81. You're Dumb||Fluff

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Your mind was lost as you stared across the field, your eyes following Newt as he moved, working hard in the garden while you prepared the food

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Your mind was lost as you stared across the field, your eyes following Newt as he moved, working hard in the garden while you prepared the food. being the only girl in the glade ment you were thrown into the kitchen where Alby and Newt kept a close eye on you.Being the only girl in the glade also ment that all the boys leered at you. At first it was uncomfortable but you soon got used to it, you learned that none of the boys would ever touch you. Ayear had gone by and there was nothing usual that happened everyday, you had developed a routine.

In the morning you would get up and clean the food and plates from the night before, giving the gardens enough time to collect new vegatables for you. By noon newt would bring the baskets of vegtables over to you and frypan and you would literally throw yourself at him, but he would never notice anymore than friendship. today was no different,
"Hi Newt.Wht have you ot for me today?" you smiled, looking through the vegtables,

"Same as always. Hopefully you'll be able to make some delicious." he smiled, as you grabbed the basket from him you intentionally brushed your hand up against his, he paused for a moment, but quicky left.
"Shit..."you whispered,

"You should just kiss him."Frypan shrugged,
"Shut up," you scoffed,
"It'll be easier if you did just kiss him."
"I can't just do that!" you started to cut up the vegtables, "I'm too shy."
"You're liar." Frypan laughed, looking over your shoulder, "What are you making today?"
"Trying out some stew," You smiled.

Later that night when you had finished handing out the food you finally sat down with your down plate, Newt quickly took his seat next to you, his own plate in his hand.
"Shouldn't you have already ate?"
"I was waiting for you." he smiled. Niether of you spoke until the plates were empty,
"You are the best chef, Y/N."he praised, "I don't know how you do it but that was delicous." he grinned, putting his arm around you and kissing you cheek. That kiss finally broke you,
"You're so dumb." you snatched the plate away from Newt and through them on the floor next to you. Swinging your leg over Newt's waist and straddled his hips,
"Y-Y/N?!" Newt stuttered,
"Shut up."you snapped, pressing your lips to his. You poured all your passion into that kiss, everything that had been pent up since you came into the glade. When you finally pulled away you began to speak,
"I like you Newt. I REALLY like you and it kills me everyday to see you and not do anything."

Newt was shocked for a moment, but he quickly recovered. You squealed when Newt wrapped one arm around you waist and pushed you onto the floor, flipping you over so that he was on top of you,
"You should've had said sooner." he whispered, pressing kisses all over you face, making you laugh,
"Newt! What are you doing?!"

"Making up for lost time!" he laughed, kissing you anywhere he could. You neck, your lips, your cheeks, any skin he could fine. Eventually he stopped and pulled you back into the seating position, this time you were sat between his legs, his arms wrapped around you.

Better late then never.

Thomas Sangster/ Newt Imagines& GIFsWhere stories live. Discover now