39. Precious || Newt

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Warnings: Fluff inside out.

A dip on the bed woke you up.

“It’s just me,” whispered a husky voice. “go back to sleep, love.”

You ignored his command and turned to him when he joined you on the bed. You tucked your face in his bare chest, feeling it rise with his every breath. “How was your day?”

Newt sighed. “S’alright. Got someone in the bloody Slammer for the night. You?”

“Thomas is feeling better. I had to force him to stay put for a few weeks because his stitches kept opening up when he moves.” You responded absently, tracing your fingers along his chest.

“You stitched Thomas up?” you felt him smile. “Seems to me you weren’t the naïve little girl I met in the Box anymore. You’re braver.” You felt him massage your hair. “I like brave.”

Now, if you were to assess yourself, you were the opposite of brave, let alone fearless. You were still the naïve little girl he saw in the Box.

But you loved Newt more than you could explain. You’d change for him. You’d become the girl he’d always dreamt of, whoever that girl is.

Newt interrupted your thoughts. “Get to sleep, now.”

“Good night, Newt.” You whispered, shifting your head closer to him as he wrapped his arms around you.

“I love you.” He whispered, also on the verge of sleep. You let the words sink in as you let darkness overtake you.

You woke up to an empty bed – that’s the first thing you noticed when you woke. Next, the Greenie alarm buzzed your ears. You pulled on a shirt over your tank top and ran to the already dispersing crowd. You spotted Newt walking away from the Box with the frightened Greenie. You were on your way to the Med-Jack hut when you walk past Winston going to his workplace.

I like brave, he’d said.

Brave it is.

“Hey, Winston!” you caught up with him, and he looked at you in disbelief. You usually kept to yourself, not minding to make new friends, so this was new. Before he could reply, you cut to the chase. “Mind if I help today?”

Winston’s eyebrows furrowed. “Not on his watch,” he smiled, pointing to the distant British boy.

“Just a while.” You promised. “I just wanna explore, y’know?” When Winston put on a hesitant expression, you continued. “The Hut isn’t even open yet. Clint opens it up after breakfast.”

He sighed. “Fine, let’s go.”

You smiled cheerfully as he led you in. It wasn’t a very welcoming place. It was quite dirty and full of live animals – and blood.

You forced yourself to slaughter your first animal, causing blood to splatter over your tank top – you took your shirt off before getting your hands dirty. You suddenly felt a little nauseous, so you excused yourself and ran to the bathroom and bent over, waiting for your stomach to empty itself. In the meantime, all you could cough up is dry gags. Tears came up your eyes like they always do when you get sick.


You didn’t need to turn to see who it was.

“What’s the matter?” he asked urgently, gathering your hair and rubbing your back comfortingly.

You ignored his question. “Is there anyone else around?”

“No. The curtains are closed as well.” He responded.

You shrugged away from his grip and pulled the blood-stained tank top off, leaving you in your bra.

“What the hell happened?” he was furious now,”Talk to me, Y/N!”  

“I helped Winston out,” you whimpered at his tone. He never really raised his voice at you. You began filling a basin with water, letting your tank top sit in it, and all you could do is watch the blood swirl in the water.

“Why would you?” Newt inquired, bewildered.

You shook your head, falling into Newt’s idle arms. He caught you immediately, and he rubbed soothing circles on your bare back.

“It’s stupid.” You whispered. You both sat on the floor for a few moments, entangled.

“Well, love, I’d like to know what made you do the very thing that made me think the worst about that.” He motioned to the bloodied top.

“You like it when I’m brave,” you mumbled pathetically. You sounded like a five-year old, but you couldn’t put it any other way. You hoped he didn’t hear you, but he chuckled sadly.

“Oh, Y/N…” he tightened his grip on you and showered your sweaty forehead with kisses. If someone walked in on this scene, you wouldn’t hear the end of it. “Don’t change to become someone I didn’t fall in love with.”

You began to sob quietly, and you sat curled up on his chest as he tucked stray locks in your ear.

“I fell in love with the quiet, empathic Med-Jack, not the girl with the bloody shirt,” he sighed at how cliché he sounded, but it was sincere – every single word. “I love you because you’re soft,” he pinched your side gently, and you bit your lip to avoid giggling. “and if I have nothing to protect you from, love, It’d take every ounce of will I’ve got to bloody stay away and mind my own business.” he pressed a kiss to your temple. “You’re too precious to me.”

You pressed your forehead to his neck, trying to catch your breath. When your breathing leveled itself, Newt spoke. “Let’s get you some decent clothing.”

He took his shirt off – leaving him with nothing – and putting it on you.

“This will send the wrong message.” You smiled despite your tear-stained face, causing Newt to smile back.

“Let them think what they want.” Newt pressed his lips together. “As long as they know I’m taking care of you well.” He winked, pressing his soft lips to yours.

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