72. Take It||Smut

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I have had it. that's it i have had enough of this, i am a teenage girl and i cant live like this any more, i mean i love him to bits but why does he not at any time, grind against me or flirt with me or ride my fucking brains out, i thought teen boys where sex mad, why not him, ive been with newt almost two years now and i cant take it any more if he’s not gonna give it to me im taking it. i love him i really do, but i want to see what he’s been hiding under those clothes for the past to years, the most we've ever done is kissed, smooched, and one make out session , cuddle, and i have felt his crouch once for like a total of two whole seconds, we hold hands and stuff but im sick of cute,

 i love how sweet he is and how cute he is with me but i want to see his eyes black with lust, i want to see him begging, i want to see a full on smirk that just says ‘im gonna fuck you’, i want to hear his voice deeper with lust as he whispers dirty things in my ear, i want him to fuck me harsh and rough so i cant walk for days, i want to hear him moan my name as he begs for more, i want to suck him so hard the whole glades gonna talk about it for weeks, i want him to make me scream so loud it wakes grievers up, i want him to suck my neck and thighs so much i have marks that dont go down for a whole month, i want to see my nail marks in his back days after we had sex, i want us both not begin able to talk for weeks because our voices are so hourse from screaming and moaning each others names every single night,i want every kiss to be full of lust and passion, i want our tongues to battle out for control of a snog, if he’s not gonna give it im gonna take it.

so i giggle and pull down my shirt to show a lot of cleavage and i pull up my skirt so it only just covers my underwear  and i go out into the glade to the gardens as i go i distract many boys from there work as i go over to newt whose stood facing away from me till he suddenly turns to look at me as soon as he seems me his eyes go wide and he drops the tool he had in his hand he just stands there with his mouth open but kinda smirking his eyes half lidded as he looks at me “morning newt” i giggle

“uh, mor- morning y/n, what are you doing up and about like that?” he asks me sounding very nervous 

“like what?” i giggle 

“like- like, that all , uh exposed and such” he says now moved one of his legs to the other side of him like he’s hiding something but i know what he’s trying to hide he got a boner and he’s not to god at hiding that fact “did you uh, w--want something” he asks me 

“yes i did i want you to meet me in our room in ten minuets i have something to tell you” i tell him before giving him a kiss on the cheek and going to our room and setting up i have stolen a bunch of rope from the smaller and i have a chair i stole from the runners hut and within ten minuets the door opens and closes “hi” he says nervously 

“hello newt” i smirk

“what's this about?” he asks me 

“what do you think its about” i smirk before giving his neck tiny little kisses

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