74. ENOUGH!||Smut

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Newt wiped the sweat from his forehead, looking across the Glade and smiling when he saw your figure walking towards the Medjack hut, a jug of water in hand

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Newt wiped the sweat from his forehead, looking across the Glade and smiling when he saw your figure walking towards the Medjack hut, a jug of water in hand.
"Newt!" Thomas' voice snapped Newt from his daze,
"What?" he looked over at Thomas, who was smirking,
"Daydreaming?" Thomas grinned, "You wouldn't be daydreaming about a certain female medjack, would you?" Newt glared at him,
"Shut up," he said as he went back to work,
"You know, this is getting boring. You should just ask her out already. She'll say yes." Thomas smiled, Newt was about to say something when Minho jogged over, out of breath from a fresh day in the maze.
"What are we talking about?" he asked,
"Just how much Newt in love with Y/N and should ask her out." Thomas smiled,
"You definitely should." Minho grinned.
"Will you two shut up and get to work?" Newt said and walked away. Minho turned to Thomas,
"This is getting boring, we need to do something," Minho sighed, Thomas grinned.
"I know exactly what to do." He said and ran off, Minho following behind him.
After a long day of working through injuries - mostly from the slicers - you were glad to end the day with a bonfire. Everyone was gathered around the bonfire, drinking Gally's secret recipe and watching him fight the other gladers. You were relaxing by the fire, being sure to avoid Gally's secret recipe, until Thomas and Minho sat down either side of you.
"Hey Y/N." Thomas smiled,
"Boys." You sighed, looking between them, noticing their smirks,
"What are you two up to?"
"Nothing." Minho smiled,
"Then why are you smirking, it's never good when you two are smirking." You pressed, Thomas and Minho shared a glance before grabbing your hands and pulling you up, dragging you around the fire.
"Where are we going?"
"Just come!" Minho smiled, they both stopped suddenly and through you forward, straight into someone. You turned to glare at the boys but they had already run off. You turned to apologise to whoever you had ran into,
"Careful, love." The British accent brought a blush to your cheeks, realising that the boys had thrown you into Newt.
"S-Sorry..." you said, cursing when you stuttered, "They boys... They are dead." You laughed, Newt letting out a chuckle,
"Do I even want to know?" Newt laughed, I shook my head and looked around the Glade.
"Probably not, but when I find them they're in trouble." Newt was about to reply when Michael came and interrupted you both,
"Hey guys!" he grinned, you sighed at the intrusion. Even though Michael was a slicer, he seemed to spend most of this time in the Medjack hut, flirting with you while you fixed the injuries the idiot got. Michael turned to you, ignoring Newt presence and began to talk,
"The bonfire tonight it getting everyone drunk on Gally's drink. You should try it, maybe you'll loosen up a little." He smirked, in the corner of your eye you saw Newt's jaw clench,
"I'm perfectly fine, thank you." You smiled, trying to be polite.
"Come one, baby." He smirked, he hand reaching behind you, "You should loosen up a little bit." He smirked, his hand coming down to smack your butt. You jumped at contact, letting out a small yelp.
"Let me show you a good- " he was cut off by Newt's voice
"ENOUGH!" he shouted, silencing everyone around him.
Newt pulled you to him by your wrist,
"Don't you ever touch her again!" he growled at Michael, not giving him a chance to reply as he dragged you away, walking towards your own private hut.
"Newt what are you-" you were cut off when Newt suddenly turned and kissed. All his passion and anger pouring into the single kiss. He pulled away when you didn't respond,
"Y/N, I-" this time, you didn't let him finish, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling his lips down to yours, kissing him back with the same passion.
Newt wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you against his chest. He suddenly pulled away from you and continued towards your hut.
"What are you doing?" you asked, Newt turned to for a moment and smiled darkly,
"I'm going to make sure everyone knows your mine." You felt a flood of arousal at your core at Newts words and the lust that clouded his eyes.
Once you were in your room Newt pushed you against the door, his lips finding yours again. His hands came to rest on your hips and held you against the door, his chest dressed against yours. You moaned into the kiss, beginning to feel his erection against your thigh. Newt pulled away from you completely, smirking when you whined at the loss of contact.
"Strip for me." He commanded, taking a seat on the bed. You pulled your shirt over your head, turning away from Newt before pulling off your trousers - making sure to bend over and give Newt a view of your butt. The groan from behind you told you he enjoyed it.
With your back still facing him, you quickly stripped off your bra and panties, feeling Newt appear behind you and grabbing your hips.
"On the bed." He ordered, his fingers tapping on your skin and sending another wave of arousal down to your core. You quickly moved to the bed, laying on to back. Newt followed and climbed on top of you, his body easily covering yours and you realised he had taken his shirt off. He left rough, open mouthed kisses on your neck and shoulders, sucking marks onto your skin every so often. His hands wondered your body and yours roamed his chest, taking place on his shoulders. You moaned when his thumb ran along the underside of your breast.
"Newt please..." you moaned, bucking your hips into his,
"What do you want, love?" he lips travelled downwards towards your breast while his fingers drifted along your thigh,
"I want you, Newt." You moaned, your hands travelling down to his trousers, trying to pull them down.
Newt smirked and quickly tugged his trousers and boxers down, tossing himself a few times.
"You are beautiful." He whispered, "And mine." His fingers found your clit, rubbing small circles. You began to squirm under his touch, needing to feel more.
"Newt... please..." you begged, Newt pulled his fingers away and lined himself up at your entrance.
"You ready, love?" you nodded and Newt slowly pushed into you, both of you groaning at the feeling. He leaned down and began to suck more marks onto your collar bone. You rolled your hips upwards, pulling a growl from Newt.
"Your in trouble," he growled. You cried out when Newt pulled out and suddenly slammed into you, setting a brutal and rough pace, hitting your g-spot with every thrust.
"That's it, let everyone heard you." He whispered into your ear, sucking a mark onto your neck just below.
You cried out, nails digging into Newts shoulders as you felt the knot in your stomach grow tighter and tighter.
"Newt.... I'm gonna...." You cut yourself off with a cry as the knot suddenly snapped and waves of pleasure coursed through you. Your walls clamped down on Newt's cock, making him still suddenly and groan, shooting strings of cum into you. Newt collapsed on top of you, holding his weigh on his elbows so not to squish you. Newt placed a lingering kiss on your lips and slowly pulled out, laying down next to you and pulling you to his chest.
"I love you, Y/N." he whispered, you curled into Newt's chest and smiled,
"I love you too, Newt."

Thomas Sangster/ Newt Imagines& GIFsWhere stories live. Discover now