187. Reunion

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The metal was cold against your skin, your heart hammering wildly in your chest as you waited for the door to swing open. The sound of spark flying and handcuffs rattling against polls filled the crowded train car as you all waited anxiously, hushed fearful whispers coming from scared individuals.

Your breath solidified on your throat as soon as the door opened, sunlight pouring in, illuminating the dusty, dank room. Your panicked eyes squinted at the light, trying to see who was breaking in.

“Aris?” A familiar voice called out, tears already filling your eyes. You knew had had saved you, it was the gladers.

Your handcuffs banged against the metal pole as you squirmed around, trying to stand up. You wanted to see Newt, you had to see him. Thomas’ heavy boot steps echoed off the walls as he walked down the aisle, your eyes meeting.

“Y/N…” He breathed, already looking over his shoulder at Newt.

“Y/N!? Where-where are they!?” Newt’s voice called out, his body pushing past Thomas as he searched the train car.

“Newt! I’m here!” You cried, words choked from lack of breath and the tears spilling from your eyes. His wide brown eyes met yours, stray tears wetting his cheeks as he sprinted over to you.

“Go get the bloody bolt cutters!” He commanded, his hands holding onto either side of your face, the rough pads of his thumbs wiping away your tears. Your hands jolted forwards, trying to touch him, trying to hold him but the metal constricted you. “I thought you were gone.” Newt admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.

“You can’t get rid of me that easily.” Newt chuckled as he rolled his eyes, his body stepping closer to you. Your lips met in a breathless kiss, Newt’s hands cupping your cheeks as he held you against him, the taste of salty tears on your lips. You sighed against his mouth, relishing in the feeling of him being so close to you, in the feeling of his warm skin against yours.

“I never want to get rid of you love, never”.

Thomas Sangster/ Newt Imagines& GIFsWhere stories live. Discover now