55. All because of an Argument||Fluff

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A/U : Newt is very uncomfortable with the fact that you’re a runner, so he’s tries to confront you, but Minho already gets the hint about his feelings, so he barges into the conversation. FLUFF AT THE END!!!

  You were tired. You wanted your comfortable bed. You wanted to sleep. But you were running, and you sensed that you would return earlier than usual days, which was either a good or bad thing. However, you were pretty sure it was a great thing. Not meaning to sound cocky or anything. 

 As you had made it to the Doors, Newt was waiting there, as usual. It was like a routine. But you were confused. Does he wait there for a while? Because you were early. You pushed those thought to the side and ruffled his hair. 

 “Hey, what’s up?” you ask, gasping for air. He chuckled and handed you a water bottle.

 “Nothing, just waiting. Do you think we could talk in private?”

 “Yeah, sure. I’ll just map a couple things out and maybe you could meet me in the Map Room?”

 “Sounds perfect.” He says, and walks out to the gardens.

 You gave him a thumbs up and jogged off to the map room, getting a bit nervous. You never really liked talking in private. It was always a little group you were with. Thomas, Minho, Newt, and Teresa. Always. But if it’s just you and one other person, it was awkward. 

 Soon enough, Newt had shown up, walking in with that cheeky smile he always had. You were always comfortable with him around. More chatty, and a bit more hyped.

 “Do you like running in the Maze Y/N?” He was frowning, and your smile soon disappeared also. 

 “Well, yes. It’s one of the most important jobs here, and not to sound arrogant or anything, but I find myself good at it.” And you were speaking the truth! You were smart, fast, strong, and you thought the job had fit you well. Did Newt think otherwise?

 “I think you heard the negative side of the question. I think you are spectacular at your job, but do you feel safe?”

 Then it hit you. He was going to start talking about how you should be safe and if you thought about quitting. He was protective, and you couldn’t blame him, with being Second in Command and all. But little did you know that Minho was just outside the room, listening to the whole conversation. Without warning, he walked in, acting like he hadn’t been eavesdropping. 

 “Hey, what’s up?” He swung his arm around you, causing Newt to flinch a bit. You politely smiled and pushed his arm away gently. 

 “Hello Minho. Nice run today?” You asked. Newt looked at you, his eyes wide. You didn’t know what was up with the boy today.

 “I’m good. Just came in to mark up some maps.” 

 “Minho, may I speak to you for a moment?” Newt said. He was a light pink. and you gave him a little smile before exiting the room. But it wasn’t going to be that you would just walk off, especially since Newt has been acting so strange. 

 “What’s your problem?” you could hear Newt whisper shout.

 “Me? What’s your problem? It’s super obvious that you like her, and I heard your little talk before I came in. You didn’t want her to be a runner!” 

 Your eyes widened. Did Minho just have those words fly out of his mouth? He was your best friend and all, but did he know that you liked him back? It was like he was reading your mind, or something. 

 “Yes, I like her. God, I love her! Yes, it’s true, I think she’s a wonderful runner, but I just want her to be safe. Why did you have to barge in?”

 “Since were speaking the truth, I actually didn’t know in the first place you liked her. I just had to get the words out of you. Now, you can finally tell her!”

 Newt turned bright red, and ran his fingers through his hair. You couldn’t here anything from Minho, and at that moment, you didn’t want to here anything else. You quietly walked off back to your hut. You plopped yourself on your bed, and stared at the ceiling, thinking about all the things you had just heard. ‘I like him back. I do. Now that I think about it. The way we sit close to each other during meals, and how you two smile at each other. His blonde hair covering his nice brown eyes most of the time. How he waits for me when I come back from the Maze. When I can fool around with him whenever I want. How he blushes when I compliment him. I love him. Everything about him.’ 

 Your thoughts were interrupted by a knock on your door.

 “Y/N, love? May I come in?” The British boy said.

 “Of course!” you say, your voice a little bit higher than usual. He walks in and you sit up. He inches towards you and sits down on your bed. He looks you in the face and gently sweeps his hand across your face, moving a strand of your hair behind you ear. 

 “I heard your conversation with Minho, after I ‘left.’ You whisper. He blushed then speaks.

 “So you know how I feel about you then, love?” He asks, cupping your cheek.

 You answer him with a kiss, and he pushes his lips back to yours. You pull away and grin, staring into his eyes. 

 And just like your regular love story, it ends with those three words that everyone is familiar with. Or in this case, four words.

 “I bloody love you.

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