154. Wasted (Newt x reader fluff)

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Wasted (Newt x reader fluff)

I stare into the flickering flames when her laugh draws out of my trance. I glance to the left seeing her shaking with laughter at something Minho had said. The light of the fire and moon blend together giving her skin a heavily glow. A small smile finds its way to my lips as I look at her, observing the way her hair falls in front of her face and the intoxicating sound of her laugh and the almost permanent blush on her face. God she’s beautiful. She turns to me a wide smile on her face and I feel like I could die.

“You okay there, Newt?” She asks placing a hand on my arm. An innocent enough gesture that still seta fire to my skin. I smile at her nodding my head. She looks at me questionably, I really could never lie to her, but gives me her I’ll-get-it-out-of-you-later look. I turned my gaze back towards the flame just as Gally walked up with a mischievous gleam in his eyes and a box of moonshine.

“Who’s ready to have some fun?”

About 2 boxes of moonshine and a truth or dare game, that ended with Minho kissing Thomas, later most of us were drunk off our ass’ including y/n. Who was currently snuggling into Minho, whom wore a drunken smirk. I downed an entire bottle of moonshine watching them.

“Jesus, Newt, you okay okay man?” Thomas asks Newt slapping him on the back. One look at Thomas and I knew he was absolutely wasted, so naturally I spilled my guts.

“Bloody, Minho and y/n. She’s nuzzling up to the shank and he’s got a smile that spells trouble and it’s annoying,” I ground out glaring daggers.

“Why are you even mad? Y/n can cunuzzle up to anybody she want to,” Thomas slurs.

“Cunuzzle?” I ask but brush it off. “I know she can nuzzle up to anyone she wants to, I’m just upset it’s not me.”

“Bloody upset?” Thomas giggles making me sigh. “I’m sorry your girl doesn’t like you Newt, but at least…at least…oh,” he says staring in y/n and Minhos direction. I know i shouldn’t. I know it’s going to hurt me and be something I really don’t want to see. So of course I look. And I see y/n looking at me with a dazed smile. I smile back at her breathing a sigh of relief. She stumbles her way to me falling onto my lap.

“H-hey Newty,” she sighs laying her head on my chest. My heart rate increases.

“Hey there, y/n,” I say wrapping my arm around her legs because when else am I going to get to? She rambles on about nothing and I laugh at her nonsense until eventually she talks herself to sleep. I watch her dream fidgeting every once in a while but soon my better judgment takes hold and I decide I should put her in her own bed. I carry her bridal-style to the Homestead when she starts murmuring something incoherent. I climb the steps of the Homestead soothed by her whispers. I lay her down on the bed stroking and out of place hair away from her face. I turn to leave when I feel a small hand grab mind.

“Wait,” she whispers tired. “Stay?” I debate this for awhile but the sweet gleam in her eyes and the feel of her hand make me stay. I climb into bed behind her as she turns to snuggle into my chest. I breathe in almost addictive scent and tighten my grip on her. “Thank you, Newty,” she mumbles into my chest.

“No problem, Love, ” I reply absently twirling a strand of her hair in between my fingers. She hmm’s a smile on her face.

“I love it when you call me Love,” she smiles gingerly touching my cheek. I swallow the lump in my throat and smile back at her. “I love your pretty hair too,” she says runner fingers through it. I sigh leaning into her touch. “And your smile,” she says tracing my bottom lip with her thumb. My breath hitches in my throat as she leans forward a bit to gently place her lips on mine. As fast as they came they went and she put her face back into the crook of my neck. My lips tingle with electricity as a smile makes its way on to my face.

“I love you,” I whisper not expecting her to hear.

“I love you too,” she answers half asleep. I smile even wider as sleep takes me.

“God, I hope you remember this in the morning,” I say just as the darkness takes me filling my mind of sweet thoughts of y/n.

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