134. Stay Close | Part I | Newt

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Summary: Rewritten version of when the Maze doors won’t close in the reader’s point of view.

“Hey, Newt,” Minho shook Newt’s shoulders lightly. Once he entered consciousness, his grip on you tightened.

“Slim it, Min, you’ll wake her!” he whispered urgently but waited for Minho to speak. You were doing your job as a Med-Jack this afternoon when you caught Ben’s colds just when Newt and the runners returned from the Maze. Of course, Newt persisted that you take a nap, and catching sleep himself at one point. No one complained, you were treated as the little sister of the Glade.

“The doors, they’re not closing.” At Minho’s words, Newt froze. Minho continued, “Alby’s calling a gathering in five minutes.”

“Let me leave her with the other runners, yeah?” Newt never allowed you to be alone. If it’s possible, he never let you out of his sight. In other cases, he settles for the runners or the builders.

“Good that. She feeling better?” Minho placed an affectionate hand on your forehead, and you smiled unconsciously at the warmth.

“I suppose.”

“See ya, shank.” Minho slapped Newt’s arm twice before leaving your shared room.

Newt turned to you and kissed your cheek. “Love, wake up.” He shook you lightly until you stirred and hummed sleepily.

“Alby called a gathering. Stay with Thomas for a while, yeah?”

You opened your eyes and creased your brows. “Why? What happened?”

He sat you both up and gave you your shoes. “The doors aren’t closing.” He muttered.

He looked up to your worried expression and sat you on his lap. You instinctively wrapped your arms around him as he snaked his around your waist. “Don’t think about a shucking thing, love. You know I won’t go anywhere.”

You nodded into the crook of his neck. “That’s my girl.” He kissed your hair. “Run off to Thomas, now, you made me late for my gathering.”

You gave him a chaste kiss before going to the kitchen where all the runners were and took your place next to Thomas.

“You feeling better?” he smiled at you, giving you a side-hug.

“I guess.” You muttered, stealing a glance at the opened doors.

“Hey,” Thomas used his finger to turn your head to him. “you’ll be safe. We’ll be okay.”

“You don’t know what’s out there, Tommy.” You used Newt’s nickname for him – a habit you picked up, being around them all the time. “None of us do.”

Thomas smile vanished. A sense of hopelessness dawned on the room, and you realized all the runners were listening to your little interaction with Thomas.

“Sorry.” You muttered.

“No, it’s okay, I-“

A loud, ear-piercing noise interrupted Thomas from his comforting words.

“Grievers.” One of the runners muttered.

You sent Thomas a worried look, and he stared at you with hopeless eyes. You all stayed in your place until the sounds became more frequent.

“Aren’t they supposed to be done by now?” you said in a strained voice.

“We should go check them out, Thomas.” Ben looked at him, and Thomas nodded back.

“You all stay here. Ben and I’ll check on the Keepers. Y/N, you coming with?”

“Absolutely.” Thomas wrapped a protective arm around your shoulder as you half-ran to Gathering room.

You could hear outraged voices from inside and you looked at Thomas worriedly. “Are you sure we should go in there?” Thomas’s grip on you tightened as Newt’s angry voice became audible.

“The clock’s ticking, princess, we don’t have much time.” He said as Ben pulled the door open. Angrily.

“The Glade could be torn to pieces by now and you shanks are still arguing like idiots!”

Newt was about to shout back a comeback when his angry eyes landed on you. He’s never raised his voice in front of you. He made sure you never witnessed it.

“What have you talked about, anyway?” Thomas intervened.

“These slintheads,” Gally stood up. “want to go through the Maze.”

“It’s better than staying here, Gally. You wanna shucking prance around the Glade while the bloody Grievers burn everything up? Huh?” Newt countered angrily, forgetting about your presence.

“Have you already forgotten what’s out there, slinthead? You need another limp to remind you?” Gally replied heartlessly, and Newt’s expression remained stone cold, preparing to make another comeback.

“Hey!” you interrupted. “That’s over the line.”

You were close to tears, but Newt’s eyes still held the icy glare.

“Y/N’s right. We’re not getting anywhere unless you slim it.”

“We’re not going anywhere at all, Alby!” Gally retorted. Loudly.

“We’re done for, Gally. I think Newt’s right.” You say softly, but everyone could hear you.

“There’s a little boyfriend bias here, don’t you think?” he snarled.

“I’m with Newt.” Minho piped up. “We won’t achieve anything by staying where we are.”

“Then the Keepers vote.” Alby’s voice boomed. “Those in favor of staying, raise their hands.”

Gally hand shot up immediately, followed by Winston and Frypan.

“Looks like we’re going in the Maze.” Alby said.

“Look, if we lose anyone, don’t go crying like little babies, alright? I’m against this all the way.”

“Let’s go. We’re running out of time.”

Newt grabbed your hand and headed out. Once the gladers were gathered near the maze door, he shouted. “We need runners up front and behind us. Move it.”

Minho stayed back while Thomas stayed beside you, behind Newt.

“We’ll get through this, love. I promise.” He wrapped his arms around you as if it were the last time, and pecked your lips. “Stay close.” he whispered, before leading you into the dark Maze.

Thomas Sangster/ Newt Imagines& GIFsWhere stories live. Discover now