99. The Most Beautiful of Flowers||Fluff

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Newt’s POV

  Of the three years I’ve been in this shuck place, the best day I’ve ever had was undoubtedly the day Y/N came up in the box. She was stunning, the most gorgeous girl I’ve ever seen -- and that’s not just because of the memory wipe. I loved every single thing about her, from her hair to the way she laughed. She was my drug, and I couldn’t get enough of her. I just didn’t know if she felt the same way. For months I’ve been wanting to tell Y/N just how I feel about her. I’ve been waiting patiently to call her my own. And now I had the perfect way to tell her.

  I was alone in the woods, wondering about different ways of telling Y/N, when I came across a rose. I was never one to pay attention to the flowers growing around the Glade, but oddly this one caught my eye. It reminded me of everything Y/N was: beautiful. I knelt down and picked it out of the ground gently, twirling it around between my fingers.

  My thoughts drifted to Y/N, and how she might react. I imagined her smiling that adorable buggin’ smile of her’s, hugging me and crying tears of joy into my chest. As weird as it sounds, I fantasized about her a lot, coming up with scenarios between us that involved her loving me more than anything else in the world.

  Then I saw her, and it broke my heart. Y/N was standing there with Thomas’ arm around her waist, laughing at another of Minho’s jokes. She looked like an angel, and knowing how close she was with Tommy and Minho made me sick. She was always hanging out with them, laughing and talking. I don’t know why I was so upset, it’s not like it would be any kind of surprise if she liked one of them. And she probably did. I felt tears coming on, and I felt so vulnerable -- so unmanly. But before they could come I was tapped on the shoulder. I turned around to see Chuck looking up at me.

  “Are you looking at Y/N?” Chuck asked innocently. I looked down at the rose I was holding in my hand before looking back over at where Y/N was standing with Tommy and Minho. She was looking at me, but it probably didn’t mean anything.

  “Not anymore,” I answered simply, dropping the rose on the ground and walking away back into the Deadheads.

Y/N / Second Person POV

  “Oh my god, Minho, shut up!” you squealed as Minho continued teasing you about your hopeless crush on Newt. You couldn’t help but fall for him, you knew he was something the minute you saw him after coming up from the box. His smile made your heart melt, and he was absolute perfection your eyes.

  “There’s no escaping it, Y/N. You’re hopelessly in love with him,” Thomas chimed in, wrapping an arm around your waist. You laughed hysterically as Minho made kissey-faces at you.

  “You guys are so stupid,” you laughed, when you saw Newt out of your peripheral vision. He was talking to Chuck, with his back turned to you. You kept your eyes on him, meeting his own eyes when he turned to look at you. As if he hadn’t seen you, Newt turned back to face Chuck, dropping something before walking past him into the Deadheads.

  “What’s wrong, Y/N?” Minho asked when he noticed you weren’t smiling anymore.

  “I don’t know. Something might be wrong with Newt, though,” you wiggled out of Thomas’ arm and looked over at Chuck, who was looking back at you. “I’ll talk to you guys later, okay?” you told your best friends.

  You made your way over to where Chuck was standing. He bent down to pick whatever it was Newt dropped on the ground. It was a rose. What was Newt doing with a rose?

  “Hey, Chuck. Is something wrong?” you asked, a look of concern on your face.

  “You should talk to Newt about that,” he eyed you, and held the rose out for you to grab. You were confused, but weren’t going to pass up the chance to talk to Newt. You nodded and took the rose out of the boy’s hand, walking past Chuck and into the Deadheads.

  “Newt?” you called out, wandering around in the woods.

  “Y/N?” you heard Newt voice quietly. You followed the voice to find Newt sitting against one of the trees.

  “Newt is something wrong?” you asked once you’d found him. He was looking off in another direction, not making eye contact with you. There was a moment of silence as Newt didn’t answer. “You, uhm, you dropped something,” you said, trying to escape any awkwardness.

  He looked up to see you there holding the rose out for him to take it, “Y/N, can I tell you something?” he asked, grabbing the rose.

  “Of course you can,” you sat down and crossed your legs under your body. Your heart beat faster at the thought of what he might say.

  “This rose is for you. I found it out here and the moment I saw it I thought of you. You’re the most amazing girl I know, Y/N, and only the most beautiful of flowers could be fitting for a beautiful girl like you,” Newt’s eyes were locked on yours, and you were blushing hard, your stomach doing flips. “I’m in love with you, Y/N.”

  “Newt, I-” you tried to speak but Newt took your hands and stood you up on your feet. He looked at you lovingly before getting back on the ground, bracing himself on one knee.

  “Y/N… will you be mine?” he asks, holding the rose out in front of him.

  You couldn’t think of any better answer than leaning down and kissing him right then and there -- and that’s exactly what you did. You tackled him to the ground and connected your lips. He kissed you back the instant your lips touched his. The kiss was something special, full of compassion and love. You got up off of him only to notice you’d crushed the rose between the two of you.

  “Oh my god, Newt, I’m so sorry,” you apologised, covering your mouth with your hands.

  “Don’t worry about it, Y/N. You’re all that matters to me,” he whispered before bringing you in for a passionate hug.

  “I love you so much, Newt,” you cried tears of joy into his chest, not knowing that was everything New wanted.

  “I love you more,” his hands ran over your back, soothing you.

Thomas Sangster/ Newt Imagines& GIFsWhere stories live. Discover now