195. Stay Together

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( Reader ) P.O.V.

Rough ridges cut into my soft flesh as I lean back against a tree. It’s roots being the perfect entanglement for my feet. A content sigh lingers like a whisper as I take refuge in the shade of the deadheads. 

My mind wanders through the canopy of leaves and take me away to freedom, the only part of me that refuses to be contained within these walls. Though there’s not much to remember, I can choose what to imagine.

I imagine a body of water with it’s salty hands smacking down on the light colored sand, along with the warmth that radiates off my company as he lays in a familiar hammock with me. The mist of cool and salt mix into the breeze, sending a chill through the both of us and we are at peace.

The only that brings me back to my confines is the rustling of leaves when a beetle blade scurries through the underbrush. My eyes watch it as it roams away and the sight is replaced by the memorized sound of gentle stomping feet making it’s way towards me.

Stopping just behind me, I smile to myself at the mental image that’s bound to really exist there. “Escaping again, love?” I hear the admiration in his voice with the hint of a lopsided grin. Looking over my shoulder, I connect eyes with the biggest and most warm brown orbs.

“Of course. I suspect you’re here to join me?” I tease him. The chuckle that he gives is pure happiness to me and I scoot over so he can take a seat behind my body. Once he’s in place, his arms secure themselves around my waist and I’m pulled back against his chest. His breathing causes me to rise and fall with him, bringing a tightened feeling to my heart. “Hello, Y/n.”

“Hi there, Newt.” I lean my head back against his shoulder and turn, pressing a chaste kiss to his slightly cracked lips before returning to my former position. “How was work?” I ask, fiddling with his hands.

After being stuck here for so long, the dirt has become ingrained in us as proof of our day-to-day survival. The dryly, packed dirt underneath his short nails and fallen in the creases of his skin. It’s something that can never be fully scrubbed away. “It was well enough. Minho and I went over some new plans with Alby, nothing much different than that.” 

Nodding, I melt into Newt’s embrace as we sit there in our own little sliver of happiness and I try to capture these feelings in this moment. “What do you think will become of us if we get out of here?” I ask him, needing to hear what his mind thinks.

Newt lays his chin onto the top of my head, slightly humming as he ponders my question. “When we get out of here… we will find a nice spot of land and build our lives together. Find our family and friends.” He says with a certain determination.

“I truly hope that can happen.” I whisper so only he can hear me. Not that anyone is listening, anyway. Newt pulls himself back to look at me and his face softens at the sight of the faint glistening on my waterline. 

“Hey- look at me, love. No matter what, we will be together. Nothing bad will happen as long as we stay together, okay? I love you and I promise you, we will find a way to truly escape the maze.” Leaning down, he buries his face in the crook of my neck, his lips grazing the skin of my shoulder as he breathes.

My fears haunt me and I can’t bare the thought of not having Newt with me, always. Closing my eyes, I choose to believe his promises and let his showering of affection drive my worries away. “Stay.”

I feel his lips turn up against my skin and I can picture the adorable smirk that adorns his face. With comforting love radiating from the both of us, he finishes- “Together.”

Thomas Sangster/ Newt Imagines& GIFsWhere stories live. Discover now