138. Imagine : Newt Waking You Up

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He leaves light, almost undetectable kisses up your arm. He starts off very gentle because he knows how much you hate being woken up abruptly.

He leaves a trail of his pink pursed lips to your shoulder. As his path grows longer the kisses become more prominent.

Once he reaches your collar bone he lets his bottom lip drag slightly.

His eyes constantly darting up to yours wondering with every kiss if that was the one to have your sleepy eyes flutter open.

He reaches your cheek where he take his long slender fingers and carefully rids his surface on your hair. He kisses your cheek.

He feels you stir awake slowly. He wraps his arms around your rested body and pulls you close slowly.

You stretch into his strong arms. He leaves one last kiss on your forehead before whispering “Good morning, Princess.”

Thomas Sangster/ Newt Imagines& GIFsWhere stories live. Discover now