65. Moving In||Smut

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“Tommy, I swear to god I’ll kill you if you break that.”

I know I should probably be nicer to him considering he decided to help me on his day off, but I couldn’t help myself. I need this to be perfect for her after all it’s been a full year of Y/N being in the Glade.

“Newt, would you relax? She’s going to love it and everything will be perfect.” Thomas laughs, “Besides everything is pretty much done. Fry’s cooking the food as we speak since Y/N’s shift in the Maze is almost up.”

I can’t help but cringe. I know that it’s her decision to go out into the Maze and have absolutely no right to stop her from doing her part, but it scares me every time she’s out there.

As second in Command I can’t show that I feel uneasy about the whole situation. The other boys will feed off that energy and our whole system will be off it’s axis. So instead I decided to put all of my efforts in to making this the best night possible.

Thomas and Chuck had helped me set up mason jars with small candles to light up a pathway to a picnic area deep in the deadheads near the lake. I had the rope that we tethered up to a tree taken down for the night to make the surrounding area look nicer.

Chuck apparently has a knack for carving wood. He took the time to etch Y/N’s name into an old log and my name on another in perfect cursive.

“Chuck did a really nice job with these.” I turn to Thomas, “Didn’t know the little shank has so much talent.”

“Yeah on his off time he likes to make these tiny figurines. They’re really neat.” Thomas says softly.

The sound of rustling leaves causes the both of us to turn back to see Chuck.

“Hey, she just got out of the Maze. Let’s go Thomas.” He motions for him to follow down another path.

I set the last candle down in the center as the sun is just about gone. The shuffling of feet causes me to smile. When she finally makes her way towards me I stand up.

“Newt?” She squeaks, “I found a note on my bed and...”

Her voice trails off and a smile slowly creeps to her face.

“What is all this?” she asks softly

I take her hand and lead her to her seat, pressing my lips to her forehead. I’m hesitant to pull away, but we are interrupted by Thomas walking in with our food.

He sets the food down and proceeds to walk away slowly.

“Have fun you two!” He smiles back at us before running off.

“This is so beautiful, Newt.”

“I figured we should make your one year anniversary here in the Glade more special.” I whisper softly to her, “And I wanted to see if maybe you’d like to move into my room. I talked it over with Alby and he said he approves...”

Within seconds she’s in my lap and attacking my neck. Soft kisses and playful bites down to my collar bone and she slowly works her back up, up my jaw, and to my ear.

“I’d love to.” she says playfully nibbling at my ear lobe.

My hands automatically grab at her sides and her arms are wrapped around me, her hands playing with the ends of my hair. She grinds down onto my lap and I pull her in closer. One of her hands trails down my neck and chest all the way to the zipper of my jeans pulling them down fast. 

My fingers are playing with the hem of her shirt and she smiles as she slips her shirt up past her stomach and over her head. I undo her bra, watching it slip down her shoulders slowly as I pull her in close so I can attack her neck and collar bone. 

She’s wearing her pajama shorts, a short and thin piece of fabric, it barely covered what was necessary. Her hair is still damp and she smells of lavender. I dispose of the rest of her clothes and can tell that neither one of us are going to last too long tonight. She kisses me full on the lips as she takes me into her and all I could hear was her sharp gasp when she had me as far as I could possibly go. I look up at her as she begins to bounce on me faster and faster. Her eyes are glued shut and her hands are resting on my shoulder.

When I grab onto her hips she throws her head back slightly and lets out a soft whimper. She’s trying her best not to draw attention to us, making sure that no other Gladers will witness us together like this. 

“Newt!” She yelps softly.

I can feel myself reaching my climax and based on how her body is tightening, she is as well.

She cries out and digs her nails into my shoulders and a load of expletives slip past my mouth as I find my release. When we regain full composure she sits up and smiles, kissing me on the cheek. 

“So when do I move in?” She asks.

“Tonight.” I smile. 

Thomas Sangster/ Newt Imagines& GIFsWhere stories live. Discover now