93. Babygirl

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i stood in our kitchen trying to reach a box off cereal on the top of the cabinet but i cant reach why did we ever put them there in the first place, “struggling?” i hear thomas’ cocky voice say

“no im fine” i say trying to jump but failing 

“come here” he says grabbing my waist and picking me off the floor so i can reach the cereal then putting me down on the floor “there you go” he smirks

“bugger off you tall bastard” i say back making my breakfast 

“its not my fault im tall” he says to me 

“I know” i sigh 

“you know if we have kids and they get my hight genetics we could have kids taller then you” he laughs

“bugger off, go do stuff” i say

“like?” he asks 

“i dont know go do tall man jobs, fix light bulbs, get spiders, reach boxes and such” i reply 

“no way am i getting spiders” he says 

“so what are you gonna do if you find a spider to high for me to reach and that your terrified off” i ask

“we get the neighbours” he answers

“what if its three in the morning?” i ask

“call my sister” he answers

“be quiet” i say as i make coffee, and i see him resting his hand on our quiet low ceiling   “show off” i say poking his tummy making him laugh at me before he wraps his arms around me putting his head on mine 

“I'm sorry babygirl” he says giving the top of my head a kiss but i push him off to go have a shower.

we walked down the street messing around like children as we went down to a big lot of interviews he has to do today as soon as the first one was getting set up we cuddled happily him often giving my head little kisses till i pull out of our hug to properly kiss him but i cant quiet reach “shrink you big blond bastard” i say very annoyed still jumping 

“so that's what your calling it now” he says slyly

“oh your dirty boy” i say hitting him

“admit you walked into that” he smirks 

“shut up, and get down here” i giggle he then trying to go lower but not succeeding “cant i just sit on the floor?” he asks me 

“shut up” i say hitting him 

“come here” he says grabbing my waist and lifting me up so we can smooch even if my feet are completely off the floor before we pull away and Eskimo kiss before he puts me down on the floor and goes to do the interviews. i dont know how many times he was asked how old i was with him constantly having to answer i was the same age as him just short, till all the interviews where done he goes behind me and picks me up off the floor and basicly carry’s me home 


i laid in bed still half asleep till i feel lots of tiny kisses on my face and neck so i open my eyes “morning babygirl” he says to me tapping my nose “umm good morning” i smile before giving him a kiss “how many today” i sigh 

“twenty five so far, but let them off its still early” he sighs looking at his phone 

“i hate this” i say

“i know you do babygirl, but soon they’ll will accept the truth and shut up” he says to me putting down his phone and cuddling me “Hey?” he says

“okay” i answer 

“that's my girl” he says moving some hair from my face and kissing me as we pull way i hear several ding’s of notifications on his phone

 “id say that makes a nice round thirty” i giggle 

“Most likely” he laughs “i cant believe they think you sixteen, in what universe does a sixteen year old have such god tits” he says 

“i love how that's your argument, oh yes she’s short and childish but no way is she sixteen have you seen her tits” i laugh 

“when i find a sixteen year old with tits like yours i will care” he says getting up out of bed and wondering off to the kitchen after a few seconds i hear the door bell “i got it” he says as he comes back and puts some pants on before then going and unlocking the door “oh not you lot again, bugger off” he says and i hear the door shut again “it was the reporters again” he says to me

“okay, im going for a shower” i tell him as i get out of bed 

“okay” he answers as i reach the bathroom and strip my clothes stepping in and turning the nice warn water on after a while i feel arms around my waist and kisses on my neck as i shower “what are you doing here?” i ask

“i got bored “ he answers between kisses 

“that's no reason to come in the shower with me” i giggle

“Oh yes it is” he says to me i then turn and snog him....

Thomas Sangster/ Newt Imagines& GIFsWhere stories live. Discover now