149. Not Again (Newt x Reader)

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Not Again (Newt x Reader)

Character: Newt

Fandom: Maze Runner

Title: Not Again

Requested by anonymous: 

Newtxreader please? She runs into the maze cause Minho was alone and not going to make it through the closing doors due to severe injuries so she keeps him safe by hiding him til morning and running all night to keep grieves away from him. Gets back next morning ro the surprise of everyone else and newt won’t leave her side all day like an adorable little puppy please?

The Glade wasn’t usually an exciting place to be, but the boys made it all better. Usually, every day felt the same. You wake up, you do your job, you eat and then get back to work, then eat again and then work some more until it’s time to go back to sleep and start all over again.

But talking with the Gladers improved that routine. And for a Med-Jack like myself the routine was really boring. Not that I was complaining that my friends were healthy and unharmed, but there wasn’t really much to do for us other than occasionally treat a Runner that sprained their ankle or a Slicer that accidently cut himself.

Clint and Jeff were taking a break, and they asked me to stay in case someone needed my help. I was working on the Med-Jacks hut when Newt came in.

“Hey, love” He mumbled, and I looked up from the supplies I was putting in place.

“Are you alright?” I immediately asked him in concern.

Newt laughed a little.

“Yeah, I just came by to see you”

“Oh” I loved to be with him, so I didn’t complain. Yet I was glad he wasn’t hurt.

He seemed to enjoy my company as well. He often came to visit me to the Med-Jacks hut or just join me during lunch or something.

“How was your day?” Newt folded his arms over his chest and coolly leaned his side on the frame of the door.

“The usual” I motioned to the supplies that I had been arranging for the entirety of the day. All day, only two Slicers came, and Clint and Jeff treated them instead of me.

Newt smiled and opened his mouth to talk, but he never had the chance to say anything.

“Newt!” Someone called him urgently, and we both turned to the sound quickly. “Newt!!!”

“What the bloody hell is wrong?” Newt mumbled, looking at Chuck, who came running by.

“Minho….” The kid wheezed, trying to recover from the dash.

A lump formed in my throat as I sensed something was wrong with Minho.

We impatiently waited for him to keep talking.

“What happened to Minho?!” I exclaimed, sick worried about him.

He was my friend, I couldn’t lose him.

“The Doors…” Chuck panted. “Are about to close…. He’s not… back yet”

Newt glared back at me for a second before he started following the chubby boy to the Doors.

But I went ahead of them, knowing that Chuck and Newt both were slow.

I saw a crowd gathering around the East Doors, so I jogged all the way there.

Thomas Sangster/ Newt Imagines& GIFsWhere stories live. Discover now