67. Lovely||Smut

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i bent down in the gardens to pull a weed out when i feel a pinch on my arse making me squeal  and jump up into the arms of a familiar glader “oh hello lovely” he laughs behind me

“get off me newt!” i shout at him pulling him off me

“okay, okay chill” he says moving to continue his work just beside me every time i move i feel his eyes glued to me

“do you want something?” i ask

“Nothing just, watching those” he smirks at me his eyes set square on my tits so i slap him

“you son of a-” i begin

“ah ah ah lovely” he smirks putting a finger on my mouth “second in command remember i can get you sent off into the maze for that” he smirks at me

“i hate you” i reply going back to my work

“i love you too lovely” he laughs blowing me a kiss 

“shuck you” i shout to him 

“i will lovely” he smirks continuing his work after a while of working zart told me to go and gather fertilizer so with a sigh i go off and shovel fertilizer into buckets and put the full buckets on a stick and put the stick on my shoulders so its simpler to carry and as i walked back i felt someone hug me from behind there hands just under the bones of my bra “hello lovely” i hear behind me 

“newt get off me!” i order 

“whats the matter lovely im just giving you a cuddle” he says burring his head in my neck and slightly swaying our bodys and i cant lie it was sweet and comfy in his arms but i know what he’s doing is trying to make me put my guard down and hes gonna try and make a move on me he been doing it almost since i came up in the box and soon enough i feel his hands move up to grab my tits tightly feeling them harshly so i stop on his foot making him let go off me and i turn to face him 

“you just dont know when to stop do you” i say really wanting to knee him between his legs and i know he knows that 

“ah,ah ah lovely” he says backing away a bit but leaning forward so our faces are close together “im second in command,rule two, never harm another glader ” he smirks at me knowing full well if i did alby would kick me out 

“you really take advantage of that little rule dont you” i say very pissed off 

“as always lovely” he says winking at me before pressing a quick kiss to my lips 

“YUCKY!” i shout as he pulls away 

“yet you didnt pull away did you lovely, come on lets get back to work, unless you wanna do something else...” he smirks at me 

“i would rather work for a million years straight then do a little something else with you” i say walking quickly back and giving the fertilizer to zart he said thats all he needed me for today so i went and worked with fry in the kitchen making dinner it was bacon tonight for everyone so it was alot of hot frying work and lots of shipments of bacon from winston in the slaughter house but i didnt mind as long as it got me away from newt i didnt mind i have always had guys flirting with me ever since i got here but newt was the worst for it, there was just nothing he wouldn't do, no line he wouldn't cross, he just would not take no for an answer, in a way it was sweet in a sick kinda way, i mean like the cuddle in the deadheads earlier in some ways he could be really sweet, but then he goes and grabs my tits or kisses me out of the blue in a little way i didnt like the game we play him always trying and me always denying, and i kinda did like being his lovely it showed he thought of me, that im not just a glader, and im not just a girl, im his lovely, that thought made me smile a little till i see a particular blonde boy coming towards the kitchens “hello lovely” he smirks leaning on my work station trying to get very close to my face 

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