Chapter 1: Acceptance

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(Y/n) leaped over buildings, her (h/c) hair whipping through the air and her eyes sparking wildly.

This was the only time she felt free, alone and jumping over rooftops. Her ears perked up as she heard a cry for help.

She hopped down a fire escape and landed silently behind a masked criminal trying to rob a lady of her purse.

With lightning-fast reflexes, she took down the guy and retrieved the lady's purse. The lady snatched it from (Y/n)'s grasp and bolted down the street.

"A thank you would be nice." (Y/n) tsked.

"Don't count on getting one from me."


(Y/n) turned to meet the angry glare of her father standing behind her, his arms crossed.

"Hey dad. Come to ruin another night of patrol for me?" she sighed.

"This isn't a patrol. You're galavanting around in some stupid costume pretending to be a hero. You're not!"

"This isn't some stupid costume dad, this is who I am! This is the only time I get to feel normal without you and mom screaming at each other every five seconds! Why don't you get it over with and separate." (Y/n) snapped. Her father stayed silent, his expression cold. She knew she crossed the line.

"Home. Now."

"Dad, I'm sorry, I-"

He exhaled sharply and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Let's just... go home."

(Y/n) rolled her eyes and with a slight screech her wings unfolded, the metal glinting in the dim moonlight. Her wings were like her father's, but instead of being a shiny silver, they were a glimmering gold.

With a strong beat of their wings, they both took off.

"You haven't been keeping them clean."

"So they're a little rusty. They're fine."

Her father grunted.

"Just clean them every now and then. If you don't-"

"I know dad."


(Y/n) pressed the pillow to her head, hoping it would drown the angry shouts from her parent's bedroom in the next room over. It didn't help at all.

She could hear her mom's angry footseps down the stairs.

"One day, I swear to god I hope your job kills you!" her mother screeched. (Y/n) put on her headphones and played her songs, finally quieting the screams of downstairs.


"Hey, dumbass."

(Y/n) let out a sharp exhale and turned to meet the crimson gaze of Bakugo. She ignored him and kept walking.

He was the classic bully of the school, surrounded by a posse of other kids who were always inflating his stupid ego with their flattering comments.

(Y/n) didn't like him, but she didn't hate him either. She could tolerate him at times and even made fun of him. Today, she couldn't be bothered.

"No stupid comeback? Today's my lucky day. I don't have to put up with your annoying yapping."

"I was hoping it would be the other way around." (Y/n) replied calmly.

"What the fuck did you say to me? I'll kick your ass!"

(Y/n) raced down the halls, skidding into the classroom, knowing he wouldn't dare attack her when the teacher was watching.

[Broken Wings] Bakugo x Reader x Todoroki (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now