Chapter 26: A Trip To The Mall!

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After school, (Y/n) caught a train to go visit her mom. She had done so at least two times before, meeting Nurse Grace at the hospital for a quick dinner.

(Y/n) opened the door to the break room with a creak. Grace jumped, springing up from her seat, her hands clenched in fists.

"Oh, it's you (Y/n)." she exhaled, a relieved look coming across her face.

"Who else would it be?" she asked, bemused.

"I just..." Grace trailed off. "Never mind. Let's go see your mom."

As they walked down the halls and to her mother's room, (Y/n) noticed Grace glancing about nervously, her hands fidgeting.

"Are you okay Grace?"

"Yeah, just thinkin'. Now you go on in. I'll be out here."

(Y/n) opened the door and stepped inside.

"Hello (Y/n). How was your day at school?" her mother asked. She sat rigidly on her chair, gripping the cloth of her hospital clothes.

These past few visits had been tense, but the more (Y/n) came over, the less stiff her mother seemed to be. (Y/n) would talk about her day and about how her classes were, and how her friends were. She especially talked about Katsuki and Shoto.

(Y/n)'s mom was still against her going to UA, but she couldn't do anything from her current situation. Instead she would listen, making mental notes and asking standard worried mom questions.

"Are you getting enough to eat?"

"Is everyone treating you nicely?"

"How are you feeling?"

(Y/n) thought it was almost funny how overbearing her mother seemed, despite how she acted before she was sent to the hospital. She bit her lip and took a deep breath before asking her next question.

"Hey mom?"


"I've been meaning to ask you... why did you..."

(Y/n) pursed her lips.

"Why did you ignore me all my life?"

Her mother froze, not knowing how to answer. She opened her mouth and closed it, like a fish out of water.


(Y/n) shifted around uncomfortably. Her hands shook from anticipation.

"I get it, never mind, it was a stupid question. I'm... I'm gonna go."

She got up to leave.

"No wait (Y/n)!"

She stopped, turning to her mother again. She watched her mother purse her lips before continuing.

"I pushed you away... because I couldn't bear to see you get hurt. I didn't like how you would sneak out every night and fight crime, pretending to be your father. If I had indulged in your interests, maybe I wouldn't be here, and everything would be so much better. Maybe I felt that if I pushed you away, I would be unaffected if you got hurt... or worse.."

(Y/n)'s expression softened, hearing the genuine hurt in her mother's voice.

"I wanted to protect myself, but I guess in doing that, I lost you."

(Y/n) walked up to the glass and put her hand up to it.

"You didn't lose me mom. I'm still here, and we can try again."

Her mother smiled and put up a hand to the glass as well.

"Thank you (Y/n). Thank you for forgiving me when I couldn't forgive myself."

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