Chapter 2: New And Old Faces

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The dorms were wide and spacious, making (Y/n) feel even smaller than before. She got up, ate breakfast, and slipped on the uniform she was given. Slinging her bag over her shoulder, she walked briskly down the dirt path, onwards to her new school.


"Everyone settle down. We have a new student joining us. I expect you to treat them with respect and welcome them to our class," Aizawa fixed his class with a cold stare.

"Yes Sensei!" the class chimed back.

"Ooh, I hope it's a girl!"

"It's probably gonna be a dude. I bet their quirk is awesome!"

"It would have to be to let them into this class."

"It's just another small-fry who just got lucky at the last second."

A gentle knock on the door got everyone's attention.

"(Y/n), come in and introduce yourself."

A girl with (h/c) hair and (s/c) skin stepped into the room.

"H-hi. I'm (Y/n) (L/n), you're new classmate."

"You have a free period to introduce yourselves. Be kind." Aizawa's words were directed mostly at Bakugo. Aizawa then zipped himself up in a sleeping bag and leaned against the wall.

"How the hell did you get here?!" Bakugo yelled, storming up to her.

"I walked."

"That's not what I meant!"

(Y/n) stared back calmly at the fuming blonde.

"Nice to see you got into UA. It would've been embarrassing after all that bragging." she snickered. He glared daggers at her.

A kid with red hair hastily pulled Bakugo back.

"Sorry about him. Have you two met before?" he asked.

"We went to the same middle school."


(Y/n) shyly smiled when she saw Izuku come up to greet her.

"You made it into UA! Just like you said you would! But how?" (Y/n) asked, quite bluntly. This put the boy in an uncomfortable spot.

"I'm Ejirou Kirishima by the way," the red head introduced himself, saving the green-haired boy from the question.

"I am Tenya Iida! Pleasure to meet you!"

A rather uptight looking boy with blue hair and glasses greeted her next.

"I'm Uraraka!"

More and more people came up to her, introducing themselves. The more quiet kids nodded at her, including one heterochromatic boy (Y/n) recognized.

"Shoto! Nice to see you again." she smiled warmly at the boy. His facial expression never changed.

"Oh... well then..." (Y/n) looked slightly crestfallen.

Shoto had been her best friend growing up. They would have playdates over at each other's houses. One day, (Y/n) didn't hear from him in a while. She asked her father what happened. He told her his eye had suffered an injury and they wouldn't be able to hang out anymore.

"Dad, what happened to Shoto? Can we hang out again? What about this weekend?"

"He's not feeling well. Get ready for training." he answered bluntly. (Y/n) was hurt, but did what she was told.

[Broken Wings] Bakugo x Reader x Todoroki (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now