Chapter 11: Snack Break

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"Now we'll be taking an hour's break for lunch before we start the afternoon's festivities!" 

"Mina, congratulations," Tsu said. "You too (Y/n). Sorry about earlier."

"It's fine Tsu," (Y/n) replied kindly.

"Well, Bakugo let me join to use against Todoroki's ice, so I don't know if it'll reflect my abilities."

Everyone had filed out of the stadium and were making their way to the food vendors. (Y/n) was craving some mochi, and her mouth watered at just the thought of the sweet treat.

"Miss (Y/n)! Miss (Y/n)!"

She turned to see a wave of reporters moving her way. The same lady from a few weeks before was in the lead.

"Can we have a quick interview? The press wants to hear your story!" she shouted over the din of the crowd.

"What's there to tell? I grew up in Musutafu, my father was Ironwing and was married to my mother, Shuta Sekitsu. My father had the quirk Iron Wings and my mother had the quirk Shooting Spines," (Y/n) stated bluntly and turned back to follow her class.

"But what drove your mother to kill your father? Was she unhappy? People don't just go insane one day."

This comment stopped (Y/n) in her tracks. Her hand twitched, curling into a fist.

"Me and my family were fine. Leave me to get my food. Go interview some other students. I'm sure they all have interesting stories to tell."

"Miss! Miss (Y/n)!"

(Y/n) stalked away, anger bubbling in the pit of her stomach.


"(Y/n)! Over here!"

"What, what is it now-"

(Y/n)'s angry demeanor left her as she caught sight of Uwako waving at her from his food stall.

"Hey," she slipped into a stool besides the booth.

"Why so down?" he asked as he finished serving a lady and her daughter.

"The stupid reporters. They won't leave me alone," she sighed.

"Not with that pretty face!"

(Y/n) ducked behind a curtain of her hair and blushed furiously.

"Cheer up buttercup!"

He slid a plate of mochi over to her.

"Ah, my savior!" she cried, stuffing her mouth.

"Not a problem."

(Y/n) munched on some actual food, along with more mochi. Uwako told his boss he was taking a break. His boss rolled his eyes, but said nothing. They chatted and she laughed at his lame jokes.

"One order of spicy chicken. Put extra chilies." a voice demanded. Bakugo glared at Uwako, taking a seat next to (Y/n).

"Ah, well, that's my cue to get back to work," Uwako sighed, going into the back to cook the food.

"Do you have to ruin everyone's day with your presence?" (Y/n) joked dryly.

"Tch. That guy's here at the Sports Festival?" he nodded to where Uwako had disappeared.

"Yeah. The restaurant he works at is really popular, so they were asked to serve their dishes here," (Y/n) explained. She nudged the plate closer to him. "Mochi?"

He took one and (Y/n) slid the plate back.

"I forgot to congratulate you on your win. Second place is great. I got bumped down to fourth."

[Broken Wings] Bakugo x Reader x Todoroki (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now