Chapter 16: Visiting Mom

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(Y/n) stood at the doors of the hospital, still on the fence about seeing her mother. She shook her head, and strode into the building, to the front desk.

"Hello, I-"

"Oh! It's you!" a front desk worker exclaimed. She had short gray hair and a face weathered by time.

"Uh, yeah, me?" (Y/n) replied, visibly confused.

"You were the really strong girl from the Sports Festival! Say, aren't you the daughter of the pro hero, Ironwing? Oh you poor thing, having to lose both parents at once-"

"I'm actually here about that." (Y/n) cut her short of her babbling. "I would like to see my mother."

"Mmm, oh dear..." the nurse murmured, flipping through the patient list. "I'm not sure if you should see her. She's not in the best state..."

"Please," (Y/n) suddenly felt desperate. "Please, only for a few minutes."

The nurse thought about it for a painfully long moment.

"Well, alright. This way."

She bustled down a hallway, (Y/n) in tow. The nurse lead her to a room, and when they entered, she pointed to a woman across the room.

"This is Nurse Grace. She was assigned to take care of your mother while she stays here. She will help you if needed."

A large dark-skinned woman sat at a table, eating a sandwich. She brushed back a loose curl of dark hair and caught sight of the two at the door.

"Yes? Is there something I can help you with, hun?"

Her voice was sweet and kind, calming (Y/n)'s nerves.

"Grace, this young lady wants to see her mother, could you please take her to her?" the first nurse asked.

"Once I finish my sandwich, I'm-"

"Now, Grace."

"Oh, I don't mind waiting. I can just sit right here." (Y/n) stepped between them. She settled in the seat across from Nurse Grace. The first nurse shot Grace a glare before shuffling off back to the front desk.

"She's so stuck up," Grace tched, adjusting the bun atop her head. "She's lucky she's the head nurse, or I'da whooped her ass."

(Y/n) couldn't help a snort of laughter from escaping. Grace grinned.

"Not that I would. So tell me... uh..."


"(Y/n), what brings you to see your mother? You need something?"

"Well," (Y/n) fidgeted in her seat. "I don't know. I recently finished my school's Sports Event, and... I don't know, something bothered me. I needed to see her. Maybe deep down I hoped she might have seen me at the festival. Maybe she would have been proud..."

"Aw, hun," Grace smiled. "I'm sure she is. And if not, remember, you are your own person. You don't need other people's praise to feel good. As long as you are happy with yourself."

"Thank you, Grace." (Y/n) sighed.

"Now, let's go see yer ma."

Grace led her down another hall, and with each passing step, there seemed to be more and more security as they went along.

"This is where we keep the more... unstable patients. You'll notice the added security."

They got to a large door with a small window looking into the room.

"Now, I must warn you, your mother is not... in the best condition right now. If you need anything at all, I'll be right outside the door." Grace assured her.

[Broken Wings] Bakugo x Reader x Todoroki (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now