Chapter 23: I'm Sorry

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Shoto stood awkwardly in the doorway.

"Can I come in?"

(Y/n) lay still, but answered with a quiet, "yes".

He padded over and sat on the edge of her bed, not wanting to sit too close. He fidgeted nervously with his hands.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that. I was surprised and the next thing I knew..."

(Y/n) rolled over and sat up. She scooted across to the foot of the bed and wrapped her arms around him, burying her face in his chest.

"It's okay. I overreacted and it was really stupid."

She felt the tension in Shoto's shoulders relax and she hugged him tighter.

"Let's just agree to blame this on your shitty dad."

He chuckled.


She winced as she shifted her wing.

"I brought these as well," Shoto gestures to a tray he set down next to her. It had band-aids, bandages, anti-septic rub, and a chocolate bar. (Y/n) snatched up the candy and nibbled at it like a hamster.

Shoto took her arm and inspected the cuts. He dabbed the rubbing alcohol on her cuts and she hissed. He applied some bandages and started working on her burns, pressing a cool cloth against them.

"I need your help with something." (Y/n) said. Shoto put down the cloth and waited for her to continue. A light pink dusted her cheeks.

"It's sorta embarrassing, but you're the only person here I know... could you help me clean my feathers? The ones closer to my back in particular, they're smaller and I can't reach that close."

"That's not embarrassing." Shoto replied bluntly.

"Well to get to my wings, I have to take off my shirt..."


He looked away.

"If you could..." (Y/n) retrieved a bottle from her bag. It was a orangish substance and the label said "Metal Cleaner".

"My dad had some people in the support business design a substance to clean my wings if need be."

Shoto took the bottle without looking as (Y/n) took her shirt off to help him reach her wings. She kept her bra on, but covered her chest with her bed covers. Shoto used a clean towel to gently dab on some of the material to her feathers. The dust, grime, and other things immediately faded off. He tried not to glance up and down her smooth back.

"So what... uh metal are your wings made of?" he began, trying to make good conversation.

"No ones really sure. They're not magnetic, so I won't get stuck to anything, but they're lightweight and thin, yet almost impossible to break. I think they're a mixture of a bunch of different other metals, some maybe that don't exist on this Earth!" (Y/n) blabbed on.

Shoto quickly finished up and politely turned his back to let her put on her shirt again.

"Thank you. And again..."

She snapped her fingers and did finger guns at Shoto standing in the doorway.

"This is all your dad's fault!"

He laughed and closed the door behind him, leaving her room in inky blackness.

His smile faded as soon as he turned away and walked down the hall.

"Don't worry (Y/n). I won't let that bastard do what he did to my mom, to you."


[Broken Wings] Bakugo x Reader x Todoroki (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now