Chapter 19: Face to Blade

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Okay, just gotta go update this chapter and-


WHAAAAAAATTT?! 1.3k reads?! Oh my god!

Aaaaaaah! Thank you all so much for helping me hit 1.3k! It means a lot to me, because it's my first time getting 1.3k on one of my stories! So, thank you all once more, and enjoy your next chapter!


(Y/n) sat up straight, staring emotionless at Endeavor.

"So, (Y/n)... what made you choose my agency?" he asked, resting his elbows on the desk and leaning forward in his chair. (Y/n) narrowed her eyes.

"I came to get experience in the field, and learn to become a good hero. I believed this agency would be the best for me." she answered curtly.

"I see. I'm sure you're aware that Shoto also chose to intern here?"

She stiffened.

Why would Shoto want to intern at the place where he works for the person he hates most?

"No, I wasn't aware."

"Well, this will give you time to get to know each other more. For field experience."

(Y/n) bit back a snarl.

"My assistant will show you to your dorm."

She nodded and left,  following the quiet lady down the hall.


"I have been waiting for you Shoto." Endeavor said. "It seems you are ready to take the path of the mighty, huh?"

"I have no intention of going down a path you made," Shoto replied. "I will take my own path."

"Oh, well you should get ready too, and go get (Y/n)."

Shoto's eyes widened in surprise. (Y/n)'s here?

"We're going out." Endeavor said. "I'll show you what a real hero is."


(Y/n) and Shoto walked silently down the road after Endeavor.

"You didn't tell me you applied to my father's agency." Shoto said quietly.

"It slipped my mind, I'm sorry. But I only came here to get field experience and learn, that's all." (Y/n) replied. She brushed him with her shoulder.

"I promise, Sho-"

Screams up ahead cut her off. Endeavor broke out in a run, (Y/n) and Shoto not far behind.

(Y/n)'s phone buzzed, and she took it out to check.

I know this isn't the time, but it could be important! I-

She saw Izuku had sent out his location. No texts, no calls, just his location.

Why would he-

Then another thought hit her.

What if he found the Hero Killer?

(Y/n) skidded to a halt and took off running, in the direction of the alley.

She could hear Endeavor call her name, but she ignored him. Her friend could be in danger!

Footsteps sounded behind her, and she turned to look. Shoto gained quickly, matching his speed with hers.

"You got his message too?"

(Y/n) nodded, too worried to answer.

The took many twists and turns, until they came across the awful scene.

[Broken Wings] Bakugo x Reader x Todoroki (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now