Chapter 21: Worried Texts

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"Were you able to sleep Midoriya?"

"No, not really."

"Me either."

"I didn't think so."

The boys sat on their hospital beds chatting quietly. (Y/n) lay in the bed next to Todoroki, still unconscious. She had lost a lot of blood, but the doctors worked all night to repair her wounds.

"You were worried about her, huh Todoroki?" Izuku asked. The heterochromatic boy was silent.

"Yes. She shouldn't have taken that chance. What if it hit her spine? Or her heart?" he answered. Shoto had stayed awake most of the night watching over (Y/n).

"But luckily, it didn't." Iida reminded him. "The doctor said the dagger was a full inch away from hitting her spine."

"It was still really reckless of her." Shoto sighed. (Y/n) stirred in her sleep, and he brushed a strand of hair from her face.

"Todoroki," Izuku began boldly. "Do you like (Y/n)?"

"If you're asking if I have a crush on her, the answer is yes."

"May I ask why you have romantic interests in (Y/n)?" Iida asked bluntly.

"Well..." Shoto paused.

"She and I knew each other since we were kids. She was bold, daring, and adventurous. (Y/n) used to dive into problems headfirst, and if things went wrong, she found a way through it. She's grown a lot since then, and likes to help others whenever she can. She strives to do her best, all while keeping an upbeat, happy attitude. (Y/n) also thinks everyone deserves second chances..."

He glanced down at his right hand, lost in a daze.

The door slid open and there stood Gran Torino and Manual.

"Ah, are you wounded kids awake?" Gran Torino asked. Everyone turned their attention to the pro heroes.

"Kid," Gran Torino addressed Izuku. "I've got a lot of complaints for you. But first, you have a visitor."

A man walked into the room and stood tall, surveying the four students. Everything was normal... except for his expressionless bloodhound face.

"You must be the UA students that brought down the hero killer, right?"


As the chief of police finished up his lecture, (Y/n) stirred again, this time opening her eyes to the harsh light from the ceiling.


"Shoto?" she mumbled. "Izzat you?"

She gently turned her head to her right to see him sitting on his hospital bed, a worried expression across his face. It disappeared so fast (y/n) almost didn't see it.

"Yeah, we're all here." Izuku smiled warmly. "How do you feel?"

"I've got a killer headache, my body is sore, and my right wing has the occasional stab of pain." (Y/n) said, smiling ruefully. "But other than that, I'm good."

"The chief of police came and talked to us while you were out." Iida informed her.

"Ah shit." (Y/n) cussed. "What did he say?"

"We won't be punished for breaking the law, but Endeavor will take credit for defeating Stain." Izuku explained.

"Ugh, well that's better than nothing," she sighed. (Y/n) winced as she sat up.

"Did your old man come to visit?" she asked Shoto.


"Ha, typical. Did the doctors say how long we had to stay at the hospital?"

[Broken Wings] Bakugo x Reader x Todoroki (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now