Year 1

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This story begins on the Hogwarts Express, as Harry searches for a seating car. 

   The eleven year-old Harry Potter stumbled through the mass of people, trying to find an empty compartment in the Hogwarts Express. Kids of all sorts ran past him, some tall, some short. A few looked to be his age, most were much older looking. He dodged and weaved through the crowd, heart racing. That's when he spotted someone he recognized. 

It was the blonde boy from Madam Malkin's, Draco Malfoy if he remembered correctly. He was making his way into a compartment. Harry charged after him, rushing into the train car right before the door shut. The blonde kid looked up at him, breaking into a mischievous smile. "Is it true," he said, almost in awe, "you're Harry Potter, the Harry Potter?"

Harry nodded, shifting uncomfortably. "Mind if I sit here? All the other cars are full."

Draco shrugged, extending a hand towards Harry. "Mind to have the great Harry Potter in my car, I'd be loony to say no. Wait till my father hears about this!"

Harry chuckled, taking Draco's hand and releasing the tension between his shoulders as he sat down, criss-crossed. The two began talking about this and that, mostly Draco bragging about the few spells his father had showed him how to do; Draco spoke a great deal about his father, Harry discovered. 

"So, what will happen, when we get there?" Harry asked, glancing out the window at the country racing by. 

The blonde seemed excited about it. "We get sorted. There are four houses: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and, the best house - Slytherin. I'm going to be in Slytherin of course, my whole family is Slytherin."

"What's so great about Slytherin?" Harry wondered. 

"It's where all the clever, ambitious leaders go."

The door to the compartment opened, and a bushy haired girl entered, already wearing her school robes. "Have you seen a toad? A boy named Neville lost one." She looked the two boys over as they shook their heads no. "You should really get into your school robes, we'll be arriving soon. I'm Hermione Granger, by the way."

"Draco Malfoy," Draco said, narrowing his eyes at Hermione suspiciously.

"Harry Potter."

Hermione's eyes widened. "The Harry Potter. I read about you in The Complete History of the Wizarding War."

Harry shrugged, "Yeah, that's me."

"Well, get dressed, I'll speak to you later." she gave a small wave as she left, closing the door behind her.

"Am I always going to have people looking at me different because I'm 'Harry Potter'?" Harry sighed, leaning against the wall.

Draco was already reaching for his robes, "Probably."


Harry stood beside Draco as they waited in line to be sorted. Professor McGonagall was reading off of a scroll, calling names one by one. "Weasly, Ronald."

Draco sneered at the name, whispering to Harry. "Blood traitors the Weaslys are, all of 'em. Terrible they are. And every one of them ends up in Gryffidor."

He spat the name Gyffindor. Harry figured it must be where all the not-so good people went. 

Harry didn't seem to think that the red-haired boy seemed very diabolical as he sat down on the stool, fumbling with his robes. Down came the Sorting Hat, blocking his eyes from view. After a few moments, the Hat cried "Gryffindor!"

The Hermione girl went next, also getting Gryffinor. Harry didn't think she was very bad, but first impressions could be misleading. 

"Malfoy, Draco." McGonogall shouted.

Draco turned to Harry, smirking as he went up to the stool. The Hat barely landed on his head before it cried "SYTHERIN!"

Draco gave Harry friendly nudge, smiling from ear to ear. "Was there ever any doubt?" he whispered.

"Potter, Harry." McGonogall said, met with a series of murmurs from the crowd. 

Harry made his way to the front, a see of eyes staring back at him. He gulped, sitting down on the stool. The Sorting Hat covered his eyes and barely stayed on his ears. 

Ah, Harry Potter. I was wondering when the day would come to sort you.

Harry shuttered at the gruff voice speaking in his head.

You have a very busy head...Very difficult to see...You'd do well in Gryffindor, but I think Slytherin would be a good choice for you as well. 

Not Gyffindor. Harry thought, thinking about what Draco had said about the Weaslys.

The Sorting Hat seemed to be laughing. Slytherin it is. "Better be: SLYTHERIN!"

The entire Great Hall erupted into whispers as Harry stepped down, going next to Draco who high-fived him. "Welcome to the best House in the school, Harry."

He smiled, waving at Hermione who was looking at him from the Gryffindor table. She gave him a small wave in return.

He had a feeling that his life would never be the same again.


  It didn't take long for Harry and Draco to have their first fight. The two found it easy to quarrel over almost everything. From why Harry chose Hermione as a potions partner, to how Draco was so extremely prejudice. One of the common topics was how Harry spent most of his time with Ron and Hermione, two "saintly Gryffindors". The Golden Trio would wonder around Hogwarts in Harry's invisibility cloak for hours, leaving Draco feelings both ignored and jealous.

Never make an only child of two very rich parents, who'd always gotten whatever he wanted, feel ignored.

And never, ever, make a Slytherin jealous.

Draco and Harry were sitting on opposite sides of a green couch in the common room. Draco refusing to talk to Harry, and Harry completely oblivious to the reason why, but still upset with Draco for not talking to him in the first place. Finally, Draco was fed up, saying, "You've been ignoring me."

Harry looked up from his homework, setting his quill down. "I've not!" he said defensively, "besides, not like you don't have Crabbe and Goyle when I'm not 'round."

Draco huffed. "Crabbe and Goyle don't have an once of brains between them. You're my best friend, Harry. And you've been ignoring me ever since you made Seeker!"

Harry crossed his arms. "I'm trying to figure out what the deal with the Sorcerer's Stone is! Besides, I'm not going to bend over and do whatever you say like every other Slytherin because of your money. You get whatever you want on silver platter!"

Draco leaped to his feet. "Take that back, Potter!"

Harry also stood. "Why should I, Malfoy? It's true!"

Their argument eventually deteriorated into name calling, except at their young age, such language was still new and foreign to them, so the worst of their insults was "Slimy pig-brained snake" and "Lion loving hogsnoffer".

Neither knew what a hogsnoffer was, but in the heat of the moment, neither cared.

Ever since then, the two used each other's last names to address each other whenever they were upset - which was quite often.

Their first year at Hogwarts raced by, Harry promising to become the strangest Slytherin the House had ever seen. Not only was he friends with the Gryffindors, but he had saved the Sorcerer's Stone from Quirrell.

Despite their differences, both boys shed a few tears at having to leave each other for the summer, promising to write often. 


Thank you for reading!

Shameless self-promo: Go check out my bxb story So Where Does That Put Us. 
It's basically about being gay in a homophobic environment and depression. 

It's completed and the first thing on my profile!

Also: this is finished now but if you want another drarry, let me know what you'd want to see in it!


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