Year 7: Part 4

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Draco didn't want to release Harry. He kept kissing him, despite the fact they were laying on the hard ground, dirt probably getting on his designer robes. But he really didn't care, too happy that Harry reciprocated his feelings. Said Harry groaned underneath him, wrapping his legs and arms around the other Slytherin. Harry rolled them over, Draco now pinned underneath him. This time Draco was not so happy about making out on the forest ground.

He pushed Harry off of him, sitting up and grinning at him. "Think we should move this someplace more comfortable?"

Harry shook his head, "I'm not having sex with Pansy in there," he gestured to the tent behind them.

Draco shrugged, "We could do it right here?"

Harry punched him in the arm, laughing, "Wow, someone's horny. Let's just sit for a while?"

Draco moved back onto the log, looking out at the forest. Harry joined him, laying his head in Draco's lap, laying on him like a tired dog. Chuckling, Draco ran his fingers through Harry's thick black hair, the other hand flying to the pendant around his neck. The Time-Turner weighed heavy on his neck, but he knew Harry could never know what he had done.

He couldn't stand the other option, a life without Harry next to him. A life where the was still just as much pain as before. Only in that world, he was alone, utterly alone. Still, he couldn't think to imagine what horrors awaited him in this timeline.

He didn't know that Harry was facing the consequences of that decision at that very moment. His head whirled around with voices screaming at him. Voldemort kept whispering in his ear, trying to gain access to his mind. The locket he wore called out to him as well, wanting him to succumb to the Darkness.

Harry held a little tighter to Draco, knowing that his... boyfriend? Knowing that his boyfriend wouldn't abandon him. Draco would be there. Harry looked up at him, admiring his white hair, his delicate hand that was rubbing something that hung around his neck. Harry smiled, curling up closer to the Slytherin and closing his eyes, trying to shut out the voices and fall asleep.

Except he wouldn't sleep. Not anymore. If he did, Voldemort would take hold again, tormenting his mind until he gave in to his whispering voice. He tempted him over and over. But every time he started to give in, a vision of some other Harry appeared in his brain. This Harry hated Voldemort with every fiber of his being. This Harry wore a Gryffindor tie. This Harry hated Draco, and Draco hated this Harry.

He didn't know why he kept seeing this other version of himself, but the apparition was the only wall blocking him from his mind.

Draco's fingers worked their way through his hair, and Harry smiled. He made a small noise, not really knowing why, just content that Draco would hold him for a little while, taking down his impenetrable wall of hate and disgust. "Draco?" he asked quietly, tilting his head up to look at him a little better.

"Hmm?" Draco sounded annoyed, but Harry could see a small smile on his thin lips.

"How are we going to defeat Voldemort? He's going to win no matter how badly we want it to end."

Draco shrugged, stretching and letting out a large yawn. "We'll figure something out. He's full of bullshit saying he's some sort of god. He's not a god. He's just a scared little kid underneath all that with serious anger issues."

Draco sounded as if he knew him. As if he had seen what made Tom Riddle the evil monster known as Voldemort. Harry sat up, wanting to take Draco's hand but refraining. He didn't want to turn into some sappy couple that didn't know what PDA stood for. "What did Dumbledore show you? I know about the horcruxes but did he say anything else?"

Draco didn't respond right away, pursing his lips and staring blankly at the dying fire. The only sounds were the soft songs crickets and distant crocking frogs. Draco stood, lean body glowing in the dim light. He started toward the tent, "It doesn't matter. He didn't really say much other than the horcruxes... I'm going to sleep, you can wake Pansy up to keep watch."

Harry didn't respond as Draco left, disappearing behind the tent.

He couldn't escape the feeling that Draco was hiding something from him.


Draco had a mental checklist in his head, and he kept ticking things off the list but still had a feeling that something wouldn't go as planned.

They had three horcruxes, although the locket still remained around Pansy's neck. But just in case they couldn't destroy that locket or the others, Draco had a plan B hanging around his own neck.

He fingered the black Time-Turner, trying to imagine what life would be like if he had to use it. Life without Harry. Harry who walked with him hand in hand as they marched on toward Hogwarts, unable to Apparate. The wards around the castle had become stronger and not even Harry's dark connection to Voldemort couldn't break through it.

At least, that's what Draco said was the reason. Draco couldn't help but think that it was really because of all the time traveling he had done. Harry hadn't really been his same cynical self lately. His eyes no longer kept that odd glow, no longer shown with the same drive they did before.

Probably because he wasn't the same Harry anymore.

He just worried about seeing any anomalies. Time travel was untested waters. If Merlin really had used this Time-Turner, then the entire path of wizarding history had been changed by him. A very Slytherin move.

But what were the consequences of Draco's time traveling?

"How are we going to get into Hogwarts?" Pansy asked as they trudged into Hogsmede, pulling a hood over her hair.

Both Draco and Harry did the same, covering their faces and casting minimal disillusion and Notice-me-not spells.

"Secret tunnel," Draco said, looking at Harry, knowing he had a map of the castle.

He nodded, taking Draco's hand discreetly. "I can get us in. It's getting the horcruxes and getting out that's the problem."

Sorry I haven't updated in so long, but I've been working on this story for the past few Wells and just finished the first drafts. I wrote about 90,000 (a little less) words!!

I've also been busy with college applications and helping my boyfriend figure out what he wants to do with his life lol. It's been a wild few weeks and I have to travel soon so YAY ME! 

Hope you enjoy and tell me what you think.

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