Year 5: Part 1

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Draco couldn't concentrate all summer long. He sat silent (as per his usual) every meal, thinking back to that fleeting kiss. That wonderful, magical kiss. It was one such dinner tonight, Draco pushing his food around, his father ignoring the world, his mother staring at him worriedly. He looked up, blonde hair falling into his face. He hadn't gelled it this morning, finding he rather liked it when it fell loose. His father glanced at him. "Draco fix your hair." he snapped.

Draco sighed, trying to push it back, unsuccessfully. His mother frowned. "What's wrong with you, hun? You've been off all summer. Did something happen at school?"

Why would you care? "No, mum, everything is fine."

"You sure?"

"Yes." he shoved a spoonful of chicken into his mouth, not hungry at all.

With that, he set down his food, getting out of his chair. "May I be excused?"

His father granted him his request without a second thought. Draco ran into his room, shutting the door with as loud a slam he dared before collapsing onto his bed, sighing. Harry wasn't fair. He couldn't just march right over and kiss him and then leave! He couldn't toy with his feelings like that.

The Slytherin had always been a bit odd, too kind then ruthless, but teasing Draco like that was on a whole new level of fiendishness. He growled low in his throat, slamming his head into the pillow and yelling into it.

Why did he have to feel this way? Why did his heart have to be so.. So wrong? Why couldn't he just like Pansy or some other girl and be done with it. Why was his heart so set on a certain green-eyed, scar face, Slytherin?


Harry didn't do much over the summer. The Dursleys mostly avoided him at all costs, save the few times Dudley wanted to pick a fight. Whenever that happened, Harry would simply pull out his wand, waving it around a few times and the boy would run away as fast as his fat little legs would carry him.

He mostly spent his days sitting on his rickety bed, picturing the image of Voldemort hovering over him, telling him to... To kill Cedric. He'd freely given his own blood for the man to return. If it meant the downfall of Dumbledore, the man who imprisoned him in the Dursley house, he'd be glad. But killing his boyfriend, the guy who'd... Well who'd just been in his corner during the whole Triwizard Tournament, just to prove his loyalty. Just to put a piece of his soul in a tiny little ring, a obsidian gem on emerald?

Hours would pass as he thought these thoughts, but the theme would always return to Draco. Draco who had been in the literal corner throughout the Tournament, who'd quietly been routing for him the whole time. Maybe that's why he'd kissed him. Something inside just wanted it, wanted someone to be there for him, wanted love. Yet love was supposed to be something he hated.

Thus his days would pass, thinking and pondering with little else to do. When it was finally time to return to Hogwarts, it felt as if three years had past instead of three months. He found his way down the busy station, Dursleys driving off in a fury after dropping him off. He rolled his eyes, grinning as he marched confidently through the wall and onto platform 9 ¾. He spotted Draco immediately, the tall blonde easy to spot through the thick crowd.

Harry ran over to him, heart pounding. He smiled, tapping the guy's shoulder, watching as he spun around. His spine shivered as Draco's mercury eyes stared into his green ones. "Hey," he said quietly.

Draco scoffed at him. "I do not appreciate being used to get over your dead lover, Potter. Go find yourself someone else to snog. I will not be taken advantage of in such a way."

Harry's jaw dropped as Draco marched away. He deserved that, he really did. But no one was going to talk to him in such a manner. Harry sped after him, shoving the blonde into an empty apartment. "Excuse me! Who said I was using you?"

"Oh so you're just a little slut then? Seemed to get past Cedric real quick, I see."

"How dare you!" Harry drew his wand. "Why do you hate me? I didn't do anything to you! We were friends!"

"Friends don't kiss their friends after their boyfriend dies!" Draco pulled out his own wand, glaring at Harry.

"Well maybe I wanted to kiss you even before he died!"

Draco's eyes widened. His hand fell to his side and he stared at Harry incredulously. Harry had not meant to say that. He didn't even know that was true, but now that he said it, nothing felt more right. He slid his wand back into his pocket and took a step towards Draco. "You heard me."

Draco looked like a caged animal as Harry approached him. He grabbed the blonde's shoulders and pulled him into a frantic kiss. Draco responded slowly, finally wrapping his arms around Harry and kissing back with even more passion.

Harry took a step backward at the force, not really knowing what to do next. He'd kissed - and even done more than kissed - Cedric hundreds of times, but Draco was so much different. The taller Slytherin finally pulled away, glaring at him. "You don't just get to do that."

"I just did." Harry said, recovering from the emotional landslide quickly.


He smirked. "I kissed Draco Malfoy! I kissed the Prince of Slytherin!"

"Shut up!"

"Make me."

And Draco did, the only way he knew how at the moment. Glaring at the slightly shorter boy, he slammed their lips together, pushing Harry back into the wall. They didn't leave the car for quite some time. 

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