Year 7: Part 2

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Pansy dumped the contents of her magical bag on the bed Harry and Draco were sitting on. "I'm ready to leave tomorrow morning but I don't get up before nine am."

Draco raised his eyebrows and Harry shook his head. "You do realize we'll be leaving early in the morning, right? Around when the Ministry opens." Harry said, trying to stop himself from laughing.

Pansy frowned, "Not with me you aren't," she crossed her arms and plopped herself down in the bed, picking up a medium sized package.

She waved it in front of their faces, "We're using my tent, I'm providing snacks," she pointed to a cooler that had come from her never-ending bag. "You'd never survive without me."

Harry looked at Draco who shrugged. "Well we need to come up with a plan before we leave."

Pansy pursed her lips, already starting to shove her things back in her bag. "I'm ready to leave whenever, but we better not be wondering all night, I have standards."

"Why did I invite her to join us, again?" Draco said to Harry who snickered and put an arm around the blonde Slytherin.

"It was just going to be you a few months ago so stop complaining."

Draco grinned and kissed Harry's cheek, worried that if he kissed him on the lips, Pansy would give them a lecture on safe sex and how much she hated PDA even though she fangirled whenever anyone hugged or kissed their partners in public.

He thought about what Harry had said. He still didn't know quite what had changed in Harry's head, only that it had something to do with Merlin's Time-Turner.

His hand automatically went to his neck, rubbing the black metal for comfort. Harry looked at him, eyebrows furrowed. "What is it?"

Draco focused on Harry's emerald eyes, recalling how easily Voldemort could take hold and make those beautiful eyes glow a sickly green. "Could Voldemort take control of you again, find out where we are?"

Harry frowned, "I don't think so, not unless I wanted him to, which, you know, I don't."

Pansy eyed them have a mental conversation before clearing her throat, "Hello? I exist, bitches."

They both refocused on her, faces reddening. "Why are the hot ones always gay?" she mumbled before shouldering her bag and pointing at the door. "Well? The world isn't gonna save itself!"

Harry got up from the bed and stood next to Pansy, pulling out his wand. "I'm probably the best at Apparation so you all can travel-on."

Pansy shook her head. "I am not side-by-siding. I passed my test, Draco didn't so you Apparate with him."

Draco blushed. He'd been busy with trying to fix the universe. He had barely passed his OWLs in fifth year. Harry had had training from the Dark Lord way before he was legally old enough to learn to Apparate. He marched over to Harry who smirked at him, bopping his nose. "Grab my arm and hold on."

Draco glowered at him, angrily grabbing his forearm and squeezing him tightly.

"Where are we Apparating to?" Pansy asked.

"Outside the Ministry of Magic."

"If we're going to the Ministry why did I need my tent and why did you say we weren't going to Hogwarts and why did I-"

"Pansy!" Draco said, exasperated, squeezing Harry's arm. "We're going there because Umbridge has a horcrux."

"What?" Harry said.

"She has a horcrux."

"I heard you the first time. Why does she have a horcrux."

Draco shrugged, "Beats me, but I got a batch of poly juice ready to get us in the Ministry, but we need to find a way in first. We gotta get rid of three workers for a while so we can reach Umbridge." He pulled out three vials of green potion.

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