Year 6: Part 7

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Draco was aghast when he returned to Hogwarts after changing time. Dumbledore was still dead. Voldemort was still on the rise. He had still been forced to become a Death Eater. And Harry, Harry was different. He was in Gryffindor for one thing, but that was one of the minor changes. At least his eyes didn't glow and it didn't seem that he still worked for the Dark Lord, but he pretty much ignored Draco's existence, which wasn't cool.

Sure, sometimes he'd stare at him across the classroom or give him an odd glance, but nothing besides that, Harry ignored him. 

One thing Draco Malfoy couldn't stand was being ignored. 

Things had changed for him as well. People were... Scared of him, almost. The Slytherins weren't his friends, they were more... his cronies or something. He still had his title as "Prince of Slytherin", but he didn't want it. He was used to having Harry as his player-two, a sort of competition of who was more devious. That was until Harry turned Dark. Too Dark. 

But now he was Light, he radiated pure Light, Draco could practically smell it on him. It terrified him. He thought he was fixing things but maybe he hadn't, nothing had really changed except now Harry barely knew he existed. 

McGonagal had been made Head Mistress, and there was only a few days of school left. That meant he had about a week to see if he could win over Potter again. 

His plan was a rather foolish one if he looked back on it, but at the time he thought it was brilliant. 

There were only five days of school left when Draco implemented his plan. 

"Oi! Watch where you're going Scarface!" he shouted, purposely running into Harry. 

The black-haired...Gryffindor... yelped falling onto his ass and glaring at Draco. "You ran into me, Malfoy," he spat, eyeing Draco with an evil glare. 

If looks could kill, Draco would surely be dead. 

He smirked at Harry, waving his wand and levitating all the books that dropped. Harry glared at him, "Please give me my books back, Malfoy."

"Hmmm... No." Draco grinned devilishly at him, taking a step towards Harry who backed himself against the wall, eyeing Draco with wide eyes. 

"Please," Harry squeaked. 

Draco took pressed his lips to Harry's, who jerked back, squealing like a five-year-old girl. "Get away from me!"

Draco jumped back, "You're supposed to love me," he said, half to himself. 

"Love you? What the hell are you talking about? I hate you!"

"This wasn't supposed to happen," he took a few steps backward, hand flying to his locket, "I never meant to mess things up so much."

"What are you talking about!" Harry grasped for his floating schoolbooks. 

"This was never supposed to happen. I didn't fix anything! It's all so much worse now! He's still dead! Just now you hate me!"

"We've hated each other since we were eleven!" Harry said, exasperated. 

"No! That's not how it happened! I'll show you! I'll show you what it could be like. What it's supposed to be like!"

He grabbed Harry's arm and put his wand against Merlin's Time-Turner. "Initium redire, hoc figere pulmentum."

 Harry's eyes widen as everything faded around them. 


Harry, Gryffindor Harry, hit Draco. He hit him in the jaw like an angry wife hits her husband who's been cheating on her right before slamming the divorce papers on the table. 

Draco grabbed his face, "Ow!" he hissed. 

"That's what you get for doing... What ever the hell you did!" he crossed his arms, looking around them, "where are we?"

Draco smirked, "When. When are we? And we are... First day of Hogwarts all those years ago."

He spotted himself... His older self who was trying to stop Harry from meeting Draco. Who was trying to stop that handshake. 

He needed the handshake to happen... But needed to stop Harry from becoming Voldemort's minion, to do that, he needed Harry... Gryffindor Harry, to find the time in his life when Voldemort reached out to him. 

"Come on dude, we need to stop me from stopping you from shaking my hand!"


As it turned out, there was no one point in time that Voldemort could reach Harry, he was simply always there. Or at least, none that Draco could find. 

Gryffindor Harry was very compliant either, which forced Draco's hand.

The next thing he knew, he had gone back and time a total of seven times, but there was only two possible features. 

Slytherin Harry who was evil and everyone was dying. 


Gryffindor Harry who wasn't evil and everyone was dying. 

All he had to do, was choose which timeline was would lead to the demise of the Dark Lord. 


I didn't notice the divorce simile until after I read it over again, which was totally unintentional. Life just seeps into everything I do I guess.

Sorry this is a week late but I couldn't get around to writing last week. I'm going to try and be more consistent, but I don't know if that's possible. 

You think things would be easier when you're a senior, but not for me. 

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