Year 7: Part 3

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 Draco clutched the Time-Turner around his neck, caressing the dark metal while he gazed out across the dense forest lit by the dying embers of the fire Harry had made a few hours before. The wards surrounding their little camp would keep any potential trespassers from seeing their camp or wandering into their territory, but should Draco or one of the other leave... They would be subject to the horrible terrors that awaited young wizards in the dark.

The Time-Turner came as an odd relief to Draco, knowing he possessed some of the most powerful magic items in existence. He didn't know at the time that the Elder Wand was off with Voldemort, synced only to Draco's magical signature, for Dumbledore had rightfully surrendered it to him. Voldemort had been struggling to figure out why the wand kept fighting his command, aligned with its master who was aligned against the Dark Lord.

Draco didn't know how much power he possessed, but he did realize the dangers of the pendent around his neck. No one could ever know he had it. Merlin himself had barely understood its true power, trying to destroy it but failing. Now, it was Draco's responsibility, just like the horcrux locket was.

He sighed, letting his hands fall back into his lap and listening to the quiet sounds of crickets and small forest creatures running about. He watched as moths dashed around the fire, some getting a little too close, succumbing to its tantalizing flame.

A branch snapped from behind him and Draco jumped, whirling around to see the fage form of glasses and a distinct lightning scar, illuminated by the firelight. Harry sat next to him on the log, reaching around his neck and pulling out the locket, "I can feel its Dark magic," Harry said quietly, scooting closer to the blonde Slytherin.

Harry took Draco's hand and pressed the pendent into his pale hand, Draco instantly feeling what Harry was talking about: darkness and hatred.

"We need to destroy this as soon as possible," Draco said firmly, handing the horcrux back to Harry who nodded.

They sat in silence for a while, Harry taking Draco's hand and intertwining their fingers. It was nice, Draco discovered. He liked sitting with Harry, watching the fire slowly die, having someone close to take comfort in, he'd never expect to enjoy something like it. He grew up surrounded by cold walls and cold hearts, yet this felt so much

Draco leaned against Harry, resting his head on his shoulder and sighing contentedly, "Pansy asleep?"

"Like a baby."

Draco chuckled and Harry titled his face down to kiss the blonde, cupping his face with a single hand. Draco immediately kissed back, not wanting to pull away but doing so anyway. Their lips brushed once more before the two went back into their comfortable silence.

Except it wasn't so comfortable for a certain blonde Slytherin.

Harry and him had been.... Doing whatever it was they were doing, off and on the past couple years, and now it seemed they both felt the same toward each other, yet... Yet they still hadn't talked about it. Draco didn't know if he was just a friend with benefits, or a fling, or, or a lover. He hoped it was the last one, because he knew, deep down in his twisted heart, that he loved Harry. He loved that stupid scar on his face and his annoying hair. He loved how Harry had become his own person, rejecting what the world wanted and what Voldemort wanted from him. Harry was free and wild and amazing!

"Whatcha thinkin' about, Malfoy," Harry sang jokingly, squeezing his hand.

"What is this?" Draco lifted their intertwined hands, moving so he was facing the raven-haired boy.

Harry didn't respond right away, face a mask. The only sound was Draco's heartbeat. It drowned out the noises of the forest, screaming in anticipation for Harry's answer. What if he said that Draco meant nothing to him?

"I think," Harry finally said, "I think I like you far more than I'd like to admit to myself. And, and I'm scared of anything happening between us."

Draco let that hang in the air for a moment before asking the question that most people hate to be asked. "Why?"


"I think, I think I'm scared because I feel so much for you, but part of it all seems like another one of Voldemort's lies. He was in my head for so long, Dray, it's-it's hard to think about who I was before him. And he's still not gone, I can still feel him in their, fighting to break through and take control again.... Sometimes it seems I'd be better to just let him win."

"No, don't think that way," Draco slid off the log and grabbed both of Harry's hands, knees digging into the earthy soil, "you're so strong, so much stronger than me. You fight so hard for everything and it's not fair that you have to go through this, but you don't have to go it alone. I'm here for you, Scarface, I'm here for you when it all feels so big and like you can't possibly overcome it, till it all feels so small and you can finally be free again."

Maybe Harry wasn't as free as Draco had thought he was. Maybe both of them weren't.

Harry grinned at him, Draco giving him a scowl and leaning up for a kiss. Their lips met almost viciously, Draco defeating his prey- Harry. He wanted to stay there all night, kissing Harry, battling his tongue and forcing the Slytherin into submission, but another thought popped into his head, ruining the mood. Draco pulled back, looking into Harry's deep green eyes, "So, what does this make us?"

Harry shrugged, "I don't really know. Boyfriends, lovers, butt buddies, I don't really care, as long as you know how much I love you."

As soon as Harry said the words he yelped, covering his mouth and scampering away from Draco. "I didn't mean to say that-"

He'd barely gotten out the words before Draco tackled him, attacking his face with little butterfly kisses. He kissed his nose, his cheeks, his eyelids. He finally settled on his lips for a brief moment, enjoying the feeling of Harry's lips against his own before speaking.

"I love you too."


Sorry it's late, if you follow me and read my announcement you'll know why - I blame my boyfriend for everything lmao. 

Anyways, I've probably asked this a million times but I still want to know. New story coming soon, WHAT DO YOU WANT TO SEE IN IT?

Whether it's a ship or German dungeon porn or something, I don't care, I need ideas because I'm not a fountain of never-ending literary fantasy here. 

Alright, BYE BITCHES <3

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