Year 4: Part 3

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Draco squeezed his eyes shut, trying not to look at the sight before him. Harry smiling up at his new boyfriend, hovering over the Hufflepuff table while Cedric grabbed his green tie and smushed their faces together. Pansy Parkinson, who had taken to sitting next to him, stuck her tongue out. She made an odd noise, which sounded vaguely like a strangled chicken. "Can you believe him? A Hufflepuff! He's like, the prince of Slytherin and he's with a Hufflepuff!"

He tried to turn the obnoxious banter out. Harry still kept tabs on his Draught of Lifeless Love (Draco titled it himself), so he knew that his emotions were still intact. Or should be, but for some reason his heart felt empty. His eyes drooped, invisible weights hanging his lids down.

This odd emotionless feeling, a feeling previously only induced by artificial means, followed him around like a dark cloud of misery. Draco had never been a particularly cheery person, but his gloomy aire became increasingly thick as the weeks past. Harry still seemed to think them friends however, and would interrupt his study time quite often with tales of how wonderful Cedric was. Then, with Draco's luck, Cedric would arrive on the scene to kiss Harry like his life depended on it.

But Draco was starting to realize that his life may depend on Harry as well. He knew that his friend would never feel the same way - they could barely act civil towards each other. Their weird, part-time lastname basis had become a bit of sore spot for Draco. Harry seemed stuck on calling him "Malfoy" and showed no sign of stopping. Neither did he show signs of stopping kissing Diggory.

Soon, the time of the first challenge had arrived, and he was making his way into the stands, nervously looking over the crowd, straining to see any sign of the champions. Or rather, his champion - Harry Potter.

Slytherin prince of mischief.

He sighed, resting his cheek in his palm as he gazed at the rocky playing field. Pansy sat next to him, followed by Crabbe and Goyle. She patted his shoulder, sly smile pasted on her lips. He tried to return the expression, but found himself only capable of a small grimace. She frowned at him, shrugging and sitting down, immediately jumping into her usual banter. 

Draco held his breath as he saw Harry emerge from the tent after the other champions had gone. His eyes met Draco's and he grinned, giving him a thumbs up. Draco's heart melted as he watched Harry turn to face his fate.


Harry took a deep breath, trying to calm himself. If his research had been correct, he should be able to parseltongue his way out the situation. 

He could see Dumbledore watching him with a odd expression. He frowned up at him, wishing he could flip the old goat off, but knew he couldn't. 

So he turned, hearing the angry roar of the Hungarian Horntail. 

Taking a deep breath, he took a step towards the beast, hissing a calming chant. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep. 

All he needed was the egg. 

Calm. Calm. Calm. 

The dragon stopped roaring as he approached it, eyes glued to the giant pupils of the beast. 

I'm a friend. Sleep. 

The creature's massive jaws unhinged and it released a massive groaning sound. Harry jumped back, but realized the dragon was just yawning. Taking a shaky breath, Harry continued onward, still whispering calming words to the dragon. 

He carefully reached out, pressing his hand against the egg. The beast's eyes turned to him, a soft growl escaping its lips. Be calm. I'm a friend. Sleeep. 

He took the egg, and walked backwards, holding his breath. He sighed, caring the egg right off the arena. 

Cedric was waiting for him, grinning. He set the egg down, wrapping his arms around his neck. "I did it," he said cheesily, pressing their lips together. 

Cedric put a hand on his waist, kissing back. He heard a few people in the stands jeer at them, most among the Slytherins, who hated one of their most iconic members dating a Hufflepuff. Harry pressed his cheek to Cedric's chest, closing his eyes. 

Draco climbed down from the stands, going to talk to Harry, congratulating him, but saw how he was clinging to Cedric. He growled low in his throat, turning on his heel and marching away, Slytherin cronies following him.  

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