Year 4: Part 2

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  Draco knew the potion wasn't healthy, but it was better than facing his overwhelming emotions. It seemed that right after he discovered his...leanings - that was all he could think about. Men. One time he had a dream that he was surrounded by them, some masculine, some feminine; some completely naked, others wearing lacy lingerie; but all were men. He'd woken up with a massive boner, sweaty and already seconds from coming. 

That's when he decided to make a change. If his feelings wouldn't go away on their own, he'd make them go away. 

The potion that he used was a diluted Amortentia mixed with watered-down Draught of Living Death, making a potion that "kills love", so to speak. 

It got rid of his emotions, both sexual fantasy and everyday disturbances. But, though diluted, the Draught of Living Death would slowly weaken him, just as the Amorentia would slowly heighten any feelings he harbored for someone. Should he stop taking the mixture, those feelings would emerge again. 

He couldn't let that happen, so he kept taking it, feeling worse and worse every time the concoction wore off, so he'd take more. 

Thus this endless cycle began. 

    He sat in Runes, next to Harry who wasn't paying any attention to the professor, focused on some musty book that he probably got from the Restricted Section. Normally, Draco would look over his shoulder to see what it was about, but all his curiosity had drained out of him. He stared straight ahead, lost in dull thoughts. 

That's when he realized that his heart was pounding in his chest; color returning to his cheeks. "No," he mumbled.

Worry that should've been eradicated form his potion began stirring inside him. He suddenly realized that Harry's and his shoulders were touching. He reached down to his bag, searching for a fresh bottle. Heart beating so loud, he knew Harry could hear it, Draco desperately stiffed through his bag, saliva evaporating from his mouth, leaving his tongue feeling heavy and dry. 

Harry looked at him, and all Draco could think about was how pretty he looked. "Stop," he wheezed.

"Stop what?" Harry asked, furrowing his brows.

"Looking at me." Draco felt as if he were going to fall off his chair. 

Harry laughed at his expression, shrugging and focusing on his book, a book on dragons. Draco gasped as the potion left his system. He was out of potion, the rest of his supply currently hiding under his bed, back in the Slytherin dorms. 

His hand involuntarily reached out to touch Harry's messy black hair, but he resisted the urge. His heart tried to escape from his chest, pounding and pounding at a thousand beats per second. Harry glanced at him, "Sure you're alright, mate?"

Draco squeaked, Harry's green eyes pierced through his very soul. He wanted to look at them all day. Draco shook his head, pulling at his hair furiously focusing straight ahead. Every emotion inside of him rushed to be expressed, seeming to whisper Tell him. Touch him. Kiss him. Claim him. 

Harry was definitely concerned now. "Dray, are you sure you're alright?"

"Don't call me that." He really wanted Harry to call him that.

"Okay, okay. What's wrong?"

Draco stood up, not in control of his own body. Volition stolen from him, he grabbed Harry's hand and rushed out of the room despite the professor's protests. "What are you doing?" Harry asked.

Draco let go of Harry's hand. "I didn't mean to do that."

Now that he was out of the room, at least he could get to his potion. He began charging down the hall, Harry rushing after him. "Go away Potter!"

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