Year 7: Part 8

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"Voldemort is dead!" Harry screamed triumphantly, "you're fucking welcome."

Those were the last words Draco could make sense of. He could partly hear a strange commotion going on outside, but couldn't lock down on a single sound. He could barley see Harry's green eyes staring down at him, full of concern. He wanted to lean upwards to hug him, but his body wouldn't move. The world around him slowly disappeared, evaporating into something else. 

What that something else was, Draco didn't really know. But he could see the cold, slanting eyes of the last person he'd thought he'd see. 

Voldemort stood in a cloud of smoke, long fingers lifting his hood over his pale face. "Hello Malfoy," he said. 

Voldemort's black hair barely peaked out from underneath his hood and the Dark Lord, or some part of him, walked towards Draco, who stood utterly paralyzed. His heart beat like thunder, pounding in his ears and head. He instinctively reached for his wand but it wasn't there. He was defenseless. Defenseless in front of the most dangerous villain in all of wizard history. 

"I didn't think I would ever die," Voldemort said thoughtfully, "but I'm not quite dead yet. At least, you're not."

"What do you mean?" Draco took a step back, colliding with a huge pillar that rose up into the foggy grey sky. 

"Insolent fool," Voldemort muttered to himself, reaching within the folds of his robes, "I mean that that pathetic boy you call a lover can save you."

Draco shook his head, stomach plummeting, "I was hit by the killing curse, there's no coming back from that."

"There is one way," Voldemort said, turning away, "and if he tries to save you, I'll be right here waiting."

Draco shook his head, looking out into the great, foggy Darkness. Voldemort's laughter sent shivers through his spine and he pressed himself even further into the pillar behind him. Harry could never save him. He was a lost cause. 

Little did he know, that Harry knew exactly how to get him back. 

A horcrux, while very dark magic, did have its benefits. Those who made horcruxes, quite few in number, are usually those with souls so dark and twisted, that tearing a tiny piece off of their existence barely affects their already dark beings. So, wizards as Dark as these, wizards like Voldemort, have no use to use a piece of their soul to save another person's soul. 

But, as nasty as his remarks can be, and as much as he tried to be during his years at Hogwarts, Harry Potter is not a "dark" wizard. His affinity falls somewhere in a hazy shade of grey. And as Draco fell to his knees, clutching his head to silence the endless laughter of Voldemort, Harry hovered over his lifeless body, pulling off the obsidian ring on his finger. 

The ring held a tiny piece of his life force, the part of his soul that broke of when he killed Cedric. Harry slid it onto Draco's left ring finger with a strange sense of irony as he he accioed the Elder Wand, won off the beast he just killed. Harry began to whisper the words to a complex spell he'd never thought he'd need. 

Draco felt tears roll down his cheeks and promptly wiped them away, not wanting the spirit of Voldemort to see him cry. No one could ever see a Malfoy cry. Yet, in the real world, Draco's limp form began to shed several tears as Harry completed his spell. 

Voldemort could sense this, and rushed towards Draco. Or rather floated towards him. Even as the dark world of fog and smoke began to fade from view, Draco scrambled away from the former Dark Lord. 

"Fuck you," he said, flipping him off as the fog parted, the sun beginning to shine again as Harry pulled him out of the dark pit of the place between living and the dead. 

Then Harry's arms were flung around him, his glasses digging into his neck as Draco sat up groggily. He furrowed his brows, "What happened?"

"You're alive!" Harry tackled him, toppling the both of them to the ground. 


Harry's lips shut him up. Neither paid attention to the crowd of people surrounding them, neither really cared. It's not like the entire student body of Hogwarts hadn't known about them at this point. And they had nothing to hide. 

"I love you, you annoying Lion loving hogsnoffer," Draco kissed him again.

"And I love you, slimy pig-brained snake."

Draco rolled away from Harry, chuckling. "So, you killed Voldemort?"

"Yup," Harry kissed him again before turning to the rest of the crowd, "you all owe me big time."

That's the thing about Slytherins, they don't do anything for free. 


Since that final battle at Hogwarts, people started liking Harry again. They even found a special spot for the Malfoys because no one would dare talk bad about the Harry Potter's fiancee. Neither one proposed. Draco tried a couple years after their seventh year, but Harry reminded him that the ring on Draco's finger that gave him life technically made them engaged. 

That resulted in an argument that lasted several days, yet when Draco tried to take the ring off, he immediately collapsed. It would forever be a reminder of how close he was to death, and the person who saved him. The very annoying person that saved him. 

Draco hid Merlin's Time-Turner in a place no one would ever find it, although he told Harry he'd destroyed it. 

After years into marriage in which Harry achieved his place as the Minster of Magic (call it him cashing in his chips for saving everyone's "arses") and Draco discovered major breakthroughs in potion making, their relationship hadn't changed much. 

They still called each other by their last names (which, because they hyphenated, could be whatever name they felt like in the moment). They still called each other "hogsnoffer," still having no idea what it meant. And they still had absolutely no idea of what a handshake can really do. 


I uploaded the first few chapters in So Where Does That Put Us?

Check it out (it's the first thing in my profile) and let me know what you think! It's gay, angsty, and mostly about depression. So if you know what that's like (and I know it well), make sure to check it out. 

I HOPE YOU LIKED THIS FAN FICTION AND LET ME KNOW IF YOU WANT ANOTHER ONE (fan fiction [drarry or other] or original story)

I always appreciate your ideas and you really inspire me to keep going (as sappy as that seems).

And for the last time (in this story)


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