Year 4: Part 4

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    Draco dreaded the drawing Yule Ball. He'd already secured a date with Pansy Parkinson, who mistook the event as a date when in reality, it was just an excuse. A diversion. No one needed to know that any fantasy he ever had about a person was about a man, never a woman, let alone someone like Parkinson. But that didn't stop the girl from clinging to his arm at every meal, relentlessly flirting with him even after he made it plain he wasn't interested. 

As for Harry, he spent most of his time attached to Cedric, holding his arm like his life depended on it, the Hufflepuff practically dragging him along wherever he went. Draco couldn't help but hope the older boy was getting tired of Harry following him around like a lovesick puppy. But unfortunately, Cedric seemed to enjoy his doting boyfriend. 

It was one night before the Yule Ball, when Draco lay in his fourposter bed, curtains drawn. Footsteps stumbled along the floor, two pairs of feet sounding along the wooden panels. Draco peeked out between the covers, seeing two forms falling onto Harry's bed, silhouettes entangled together. He knew it was it Harry and Cedric. He heard the soft voice of Cedric whisper silencing charm, Harry drawing the curtains of his bed. 

Draco sucked in his breath, unable to take his eyes away as clothes flew from the bed, covers falling from under the  hidden mattress. 

Draco crawled back to the middle of his bed, sitting cross legged, head in hands. He didn't mean to start crying, but his hopeless crush on Harry was only getting worse as the time went on, he couldn't stand it. Harry barely noticed him, they could only be friends with him, that's all he would ever be.

And that hurt. 

A lot. 


  Harry awoke, feeling the hot breath of Cedric next to him. He grinned, thinking back to the events of last night. Giddily, he lifted the sheets, seeing his naked body, Cedric's equally bare legs entangled with his. 

He pressed his lips on Cedric's cheek, nudging him awake. Cedric groaned, finally opening his eyes. "Harry...  Don't wanna..."

Harry hulled his boyfriend up, searching around for his wand. "We gotta get going before the others wake up, the Slytherins will tear you apart."

He shrugged, accioing his and Harry's clothing and pulling on his own shirt. He fumbled with Harry's button-down, wrapping it around his boyfriend. Harry smiled, noting the light seeping through the curtains. 

That's when someone pulled the hangings away, exposing the half-naked boys. 


   Draco knew that jealousy was a bad feeling to give in to, but knowing that Harry was in there, with someone that wasn't him, sparked a new and raw emotion inside him. It was a sort of beast that needed to be acted upon. 

That's why he got all the Slytherin boys up early. 

That's why he told them exactly who was keeping Harry company underneath the draperies of his bed. 

That's why he pulled back the hangings. 

He felt sick as the hoard of laughter erupted around him. He wanted to laugh, he wanted to jeer along with the other Slytherins, but he couldn't. Draco felt Theo grab his arm, whispering in his ear. "How'd you know?"

Plastering on his signature smirk, he just shrugged, playing it off. "I have my way."

He patted him on the back, chuckling. Draco felt queasiness wash over his stomach, he placed a hand on the poster of his bed, eyes meeting Harry's sparkly green orbs - full of misery and embarrassment.  He stared at Draco, realization flashing in his face. His mouth fell open slightly, and he turned, burying his face in Cedric's chest. 

Draco swallowed, feeling his eyes beginning to water, but he blinked them away, trying to erase the emotions stirring inside of him. He forced himself to laugh, Goyle looking at him with an odd expression. 

He laughed and laughed, trying to keep himself from wailing. "Slytherin prince with a Hufflepuff pussy."

Harry looked at him, tears running down his cheeks, arms clinging to Cedric. "Why... We were friends Dray..."

Heart shattering, Draco shook his head. "Apparently not."

With that, he turned, marching out of the room, already in his robes, screwing his eyes shut as a single tear ran down his pale cheek.

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