Year 4: Part 6

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Harry took a deep breath, gripping his wand in a tight fist. Third task. He glanced at the huge crowd, seeing a blonde head glinting in the sun. Draco. He couldn't help but think of that night in the library, when he'd realized it.

How he'd tried to stuff all his feelings with that potion. How he'd been nervous around Harry, when Malfoys did not get nervous, did not apologize, did not say "please" and "thank you". 

Draco Malfoy had a crush on him. Draco fucking Malfoy had a fucking crush on him, Harry fucking Potter. Harry huffed, he'd never sworn so much in a thought in his life. 

Cedric walked up behind him, wrapping his arms around his waist. "Ready?"

Harry sighed, leaning back into him. "Yeah, I am. You?"


They didn't say anything else. Harry wanted to respond, but he couldn't stop thinking about Draco. Why, he didn't really know, but it was starting messing up his head. Cedric began rocking them back and forth, lips finding his neck. Harry sucked in his breath, stepping out of Cedric's embrace. The blonde seemed a little put-off, "What's wrong!"

Harry ran a hand through his hair. "It's the third task, I need to be thinking clearly."

It was a dumb excuse, he knew. He already couldn't think clearly. "Are the champions ready?" Dumbledore called out, voice magically magnified. 

Harry bit his lip, grabbing Cedric's face and kissing him briefly before stepping out of the tent, ready to face his fate. 


Draco held his breath the whole time the champions were in the maze. He saw the red lights fly into the air, thinking it was Harry, but it was that French girl he couldn't remember the name of.  

He waited and waited, Pansy next to him. She was constantly braiding and un-braiding a strand of hair. "Hey Dray. Dray? Draco!"

He looked over at her, biting his lip. "What?"

"You've been staring off into space for the past twenty minutes." She said, taking his shoulder. 

He shook his head, not really sure why. "I'm just worried."

She scoffed. "About who? Harry Hufflepuff?"

"Maybe." He grew quiet, staring out at the maze again. 

Pansy raised an eyebrow at him, not saying anymore. He was glad, but also nervous. His paranoia about being discovered had increased ever since the conversation with Harry in the library. 

That's when the screaming started. 

That's when Harry came out of the maze, holding Cedric to his body, tears running down his face. He collapsed onto the ground, hunched over an unmoving Cedric. 

Cedric's parents ran over to him, others pulling Harry away. He started screaming, clawing at the air. "He just collapsed, he just fell and didn't, didn't move!"

Draco ran over to him, Harry falling into his arms. "I had to kill him. He made me kill him."

"What! Who?" Draco didn't understand what the hell Harry was talking about, but could only think about how Harry was in his arms, how close their bodies were. 

Harry looked up at him, green eyes sparkling. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box. "Voldemort's back. He told me to make a Horcrux for him, to show my loyalty. But, but I didn't want to. He's back."

Harry struggled to smile, but started crying again. Draco pulled him closer, putting his nose in his air. It smelled of wood and sweat, but he didn't mind. 

What he did mind was that He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named had made Harry kill his boyfriend to make a... Horcrux? He squeezed Harry tighter, taking a deep breath of Potter's hair. "It's okay, Harry. It'll be okay."

  It was a few weeks later when they ended up in a similar situation. Harry collapsed into his arms at the library, tears soiling Draco's robes. He pat his hair, not really knowing how to comfort him. 

Harry pulled away, hands falling to his sides. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine." Draco played with his fingers, eyes not quite meeting Harry's. 

Harry's green orbs somehow found Draco's grey ones however, and they ended up staring at each other without saying something. Then Harry leaned upward, pressing his lips against Draco's for a brief moment. 

They didn't touch each other, neither really knowing what to do. Draco didn't kiss back, not really knowing why, he did like Harry after all. 

Harry pulled away. "Sorry, uh... I'll see you next year."

Draco just stood there, looking after Harry as he walked away, hips swaying slightly. 


Hello my fishies (don't ask, I have no idea what to call my readers and it was a thing)


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