Years 2-3

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Year 2

   Lucius had directed his son to give the diary to Ginny Weasly; Draco, however, did not. Harry had made him rather rebellious. The journal was mysterious and why on earth would father want to give it to a Weasly? So, that night as he lay in his bed at Hogwarts, he held the journal of Tom Riddle in his hands reverently, opening it to stare at the blank page. 

He grabbed a quill, deciding to put his name in it, so no one would steal the bloody thing. Pursing his lips, Draco scribbled his initials into the paper, watching in awe as it disappeared. 

Then the fateful words magically showed up on the page "Hello, I am Tom Riddle."

Draco and Harry mostly didn't speak to each other after the first "attack". After it became apparent that Harry was a parselmouth. Draco wasn't mad that Harry could speak to snakes, but at the fact Harry had never thought to tell him before. 

This began a silent war between the two Slytherins. Harry refused to talk to Draco out of pure stubbornness, and Draco refused to talk to Harry because of pure annoyance. 

Harry spent almost all his time with Hermione, sometimes Ron, leaving Draco feeling more alone than ever. The only thing he talked to was the man in the diary. 

Draco wanted to talk to Harry, he really did, but Tom discouraged him thoroughly, saying Harry regretted becoming friends with him, saying he hated Draco. Many of his nights were spent shedding silent tears over the dying friendship, but neither knew how to approach the other.

Soon Harry became utterly distracted with the Chamber of Secrets, the trail of spiders, and the serpentine voice in the walls. Draco became the least of his worries. Harry went further and further down Draco's list of priorities as well. He had been blacking out recently, waking up with no clue of what he'd just done. He knew the diary had to be a part of it.

Then there were the rumors. Harry Potter Slytherin heir. He was inclined to believe it. He told Tom so, but the soul trapped inside didn't agree with his position, but would not tell him who he believed the heir to be.


Harry sorely wished he was the Slytherin Prince. The Heir that opened the Chamber of Secrets. The magical abilities necessary to awaken whatever monster lay inside the walls of Hogwarts must be tremendous. Harry kicked back in the Slytherin common room, sighing as he thought about it.

He didn't know why he found it so interesting, probably the Slytherin part of him starting to show. Ever since being sorted, he hadn't actually felt like a part of his house. Malfoy fit in so perfectly, but Harry couldn't help but feel...torn. As if he could easily belong in the Gryffindor House just as much as he did in Slytherin. 

This feeling would haunt him for the rest of the year.

Harry and Neville ended up in the Chamber of Secrets with Lockhart. 

Something snapped inside Harry when he saw Draco lying on the ground, Tom Riddle's diary in hand, the soul of the younger Voldemort standing over him with a wicked grin on his face. 

Harry fell to his knees over Draco, an anger he'd never really felt before welling up inside of him. He looked up at Riddle, who laughed at his pained expression. 

It was Neville who got the sword from the Sorting Hat, although Harry was still the one to defeat the Basilisk. 

Draco and Harry were the best of friends again after the incident inside the Chamber. Harry silently swore to himself to never make Draco feel lonely again, never send him over the edge. 

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