Year 5: Part 3

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Harry fell to his knees, bowing his head. His black hair fell into his eyes but he didn't dare move to push it away. He lifted his eyes, only seeing the dark robes of his master, slowly swishing back and forth. "Potter," came the raspy voice of Voldemort, "look at me."

He lifted his head just enough to look at the Dark Lord's glowing eyes, not daring to stand. The elder wizard glanced at the thin ring on Harry's finger, his horcrux. He flicked his wand, accioing Harry's leather journal into his bony fingers. Harry frowned, but didn't dare speak. 

Voldemort flipped through the pages, raising a nonexistent eyebrow. "Dumbledore's brought his little 'gang' together again, hasn't see."

"Yes, m'lord," Harry said, smirking, "it's pitiful."

The wizard nodded, turning a leaf and reading more. "I see you dislike Umbridge."

Harry set his jaw, growling low in his throat. Voldemort patted his messy hair in an almost comforting manner. "Trust me, her presence in the school will pay off in the long run. Just be patience, little demon, she will get rid of Dumbledore for me."

"Why won't you just let me get rid of him?" Harry tilted his head. 

In the next instant, Voldemort's wand was pressed to his chest. "Do not question me."

Harry's head fell, "Sorry master."

Voldemort tucked his wand away, waving a hand. "Go, my pet. You've been doing a good job. However, do I need to remind you of your duty? Please keep yourself focused, your mind is very distracted with foolish notions."

Harry swallowed. His Lord had full access to his mind, which was both unnerving and comforting at the same time. Voldemort knew his feelings for Draco. He knew that he couldn't start anything with him, he needed to keep his loyalties with Voldemort. Draco had neither proved himself loyal or against the Dark. 

And until he showed that he was as dedicated to Voldemort as Harry was, he couldn't possibly have any sort of relationship with him. Cedric was merely an excuse, even if it was... Good while it lasted. 

He sighed, "Permission to stand?"

"Granted. Your portkey will take you to the Room of Requirement, wait there for twenty minutes before leaving, I sense McGonagall is wandering that way."

"Thank you, m'lord," Harry said, bowing before placing his hand on the magical quill. 


Draco shifted in his seat uncomfortably, not meeting Dumbledore's eyes as the professor talked. "We both know who your father wants you to be loyal too. But you have your own thoughts, Mr. Malfoy, you have a choice, even if you think you don't.

"I know this may sound crazy to someone in your position, but I want you to join the Order of Phoenix. Help us put a stop to this war."

He looked from his feet to Dumbledore's long beard. "If my father knew..."

"He won't, I can assure you. Think on it, alright?"

Draco nodded, standing. "May I leave, I'll, uh, I'll think on it."

Dumbledore rose as well, walking to the door. "One more thing Draco."


"It may be the only way to save Harry."

Draco's eyes widened, and he went to speak but Dumbledore merely winked. He opened the door, slowly walking out. Dumbledore shut it behind him, leaving Draco alone with his thoughts. Harry had been acting different lately, he pondered as walked down the stairs. The Slytherin had been disappearing at odd times, sometimes multiple times a day. 

Whenever Draco's increasing insomnia wouldn't let him sleep, he could hear Harry. Every night he snuck out of the dormitories and wouldn't return for over an hour. Harry would stand over his bed, watching him "sleep" for a few moments before going back to bed. 

Harry had become darker and darker lately. He refused to return his Defense homework, which earned him an almost permanent detention. Whenever he returned, his grin was almost psychopathical.

Something was certainly wrong with him. 

And now Draco had a sinking suspicion about what that it was. 

He walked down to the dungeons, keeping a slow pace. He whispered the password and entered the common room, collapsing on a couch next to Pansy. The girl immediately started talking. "Draco! What did Dumblefuck want with you? I had a fantastic time waiting for you by the way, I was going to go wait by his office but I didn't know the password and Crabbe here wouldn't-"

"Pansy?" Draco asked sweetly.


"Shut up."

He stood and marched over to the dormitories, ignoring Pansy's indignant expression. He spotted Harry's leg sticking out from under the hangings of his bed. Draco waved his wand, nonverbally pushing them to the side revealing the thin boy. He was hunched over a leather journal, furiously writing. 


The boy lifted his glowing green eyes. Since when did his eyes glow? "Malfoy." 

The malice in his voice was evident. 

"What got your knickers in a twist," Draco said, plopping on the bed next to him. 

His eyes were definitely glowing. Harry glared at him, looking like a bomb about to explode. "Get off my bed."

Draco laughed, not knowing why, Harry shouldn't be messed with right now. He recklessly placed a hand on Harry's thigh, leaning towards his face. "Why? Afraid you like it too much?"

He hated himself for what he was doing, but Harry looked so good. So delectable. Mouth half open, eyes still glowing but it was sexy. 

Draco pressed his lips to Harry's, waving his wand to draw the curtains. He grabbed the smaller boy's face, forcefully pushing himself on him. 

Harry pulled back, "Stop."

Draco began kissing his neck, hands on his shoulders. Harry gasped, "Stop it, I have work to do."

Draco pushed Harry down, hands on his chest, trapping him. "Lemme think. No."

He kissed Harry again, forcing his tongue into his mouth. Harry moaned, arms wrapping around Draco's waist. With his foot, Draco carefully shoved the leather notebook off of Harry's bed. The blonde let his teeth scrape along Harry's jaw as he licked a long line from mouth to adam's apple. 

Draco ran his hand down Harry's bony chest, finding the hem of his jumper and beginning to lift. 

That's when Harry threw him off, jumping into the air. "I asked you to stop."

His voice was dangerously low and calm. 

Draco scurried off from the floor, "Merlin! Gods, I'm sorry, I thought it was like... a turn on thing?"

Harry rolled his eyes, adjusting his shirt. "Leave me alone Malfoy."

With that, the Slytherin marched out of the dorm, practically sashaying on his way. 

Draco smirked slightly, bending down and picking up Harry's journal. He quickly transfigured one of his old school books into a copy of the notebook, placing it by Harry's bed. 

He wanted answers, and he had a feeling this book had them. 


Hello friends!

Do you like my story so far because I gotta big idea that I don't really think has been done before and I think it's awesome lol. 

QUESTION: There WILL be smut for this book (be warned), but would y'all like some stuff on the kinkier side?

That's all, thanks for your support and happy pride month even though it's almost over :(

But hey, we can be proud all year, right?

 Bye bitches! <3

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