Year 6: Part 2

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Harry held his breath as the Slytherins began to shuffle out of the train car. Pansy hung by the door, "You coming Dray?"

He gave her a fake smile, "I'll catch up with you in a minute."

Pansy nodded, batting her eyelashes and saying seductively, "I'll be waiting."

With that she disappeared through the door, leaving Draco and the invisible Harry alone. "What do you want Potter?" Draco said as he pointed his wand at the doors and windows, making the curtains fall.

He then pointed his wand at Harry, right at his face.

Harry reached up and pulled down his cloak, grinning sheepishly at Draco, "Hey you."

Draco scoffed, wand still poised to shoot any number of spells at Harry, "What do you want."

"You." Harry said simply, worming his way down from the trunk rack and cracking his stiff joints.

Draco raised an eyebrow at him, frown creasing his smooth face. Harry smirked, heading towards the blonde. He looked at Draco through hooded eyes, taking a step closer to the boy, now officially in his personal space. He could feel it, the darkness clouding over the young Malfoy. He had not been present at the ceremony but nor had his master told him of it, yet he could sense it. Sense the Mark.

He placed a hand on Draco's chest, tugging at the wizard's green tie, "All this clothing," he mused, "really unnecessary."

Draco let out a quiet huff as Harry slowly undid the knot, tossing Draco's tie to the side and pulling the first few buttons of his dress shirt free. Leaning towards the unnaturally pale skin, Harry pressed his lips to the soft flesh, sighing with delight. He kissed his chest for a few moments before looking up at Draco, raising an eyebrow.

The taller boy ran a hand through his platinum hair, sighing quite loudly. "Harry, please don't make this harder than it needs to be."

"Why does it need to be hard?" Harry put a hand on the exposed skin of Draco's sternum and pushing him against the compartment wall, "for me it's really simple. I like you, I think you like me, let's fuck before this train leaves again."

"It's not that easy," Draco protested but Harry cut him off with his mouth, kissing him deeply before pulling away.

"It can be. For right now at least. Let's worry about everything else later and just be."

Harry kissed him again and this time Draco responded, tugging at his muggle clothing with one hand, and at his hair with the other. Draco wanted to pull away, to run and tell him it was a stupid idea, but he couldn't. He couldn't bring up the nerve to tell Harry that he didn't want to be a Death Eater, that he was working for Dumbledore, was learning about You-Know-Who's, Voldemort's, dark and mysterious past.

But he didn't. Instead he bit Harry's lower lip, knowing full well that the man he despised, if he could even be called that, was inhabiting Harry's head, making his eyes glow and his thoughts Dark. Was the Dark Lord experiencing this just as Harry was?

Draco shook the thought, grabbing Harry's hips and shoving them against his own, grinding against his crotch. The thin boy gasped, moaning as he responded eagerly, tongue winding into Draco's mouth. Harry battled him for dominance but Draco won quickly, flipping them around and slamming Harry into the wall.

A loud crack sounded from Harry's back but the boy didn't seem to mind or be in pain. He only panted as Draco tore his lips away from Harry's delectable mouth, going to his neck as he fumbled with Harry's shirt.

How times had changed. Once upon a time Draco would never consider being with a man, despite the urges he felt to do so, he would've obeyed his father completely and spat at the sound of Dumbledore's name. He still didn't like the professor, but the wizard could help Harry, and that's all Draco really cared about.

He'd kill Dumbledore if it meant the safety of his lo- of Harry - he'd kill Voldemort himself. Harry made a strange soft cooing noise as Draco nibbled his ear, slowly peeling off his own clothing. The sound was quite odd but not unpleasant. He liked it. Draco reached for his wand, spelling off the rest of their clothing sans underwear, pulling away from Harry who was still making the strange humming sounds.

Harry looked up at him almost childishly, as if he were still that eleven year-old boy living under a staircase. As if he were still the person he was before Voldemort corrupted him. That's what Harry was really, just a poor lost soul, thinking he'd found someone who cared for him in Voldemort, the evil bastard.

If only he knew.

Draco himself had been that child once before, helplessly seeking validation from his father that he would never receive. A caring love that people like his father and Voldemort were incapable of feeling.

Harry stared at him, eyes glowing dimly, "What?"

"You're gorgeous," Draco said, grabbing Harry's ass for emphasis.

Harry moaned against him, forehead falling to his shoulder, "Please Dracoo, pleasee."

"What do you want Harry?" Draco asked, almost mockingly.

"All of you. Put it in my arse goddamnit!" Harry scowled, banging his head against Draco's shoulder in frustration.

Draco did as directed, turning Harry around and slamming his face up against the wall. Harry whimpered in evident pain but pushed his ass back against Draco's crotch, making those cooing noises again. He made quick work of their underwear and used a quick lubrication spell on his cock and Harry's hole before pushing against the other boy's entrance, a little worriedly. He'd never had sex before.

He'd always imagined someone entering him but he couldn't deny that this felt amazing - Harry becoming undone underneath him, crying out as Draco began to thrust his hips forward, hoping he was doing it right.

    Somewhere in the back of his mind, something told him that he should've prepared Harry more, gone slower, but once he found a rhythm, he couldn't stop banging into the other Slytherin.

    He pressed one hand on the wall and the other around Harry's waist, gasping along with Harry's loud outbursts.

    Oh god it was so good.

    Harry's eyes rolled back in his head.

    It was going perfectly, better than perfectly, until Draco glanced at his left arm, the dark skull and snake reminding him of how tainted he was. Harry probably found it arousing, but Draco felt all the life drain out of him in the single blink of an eye. He kept thrusting, however, reaching down and grabbing Harry's dick, a little too hard as Harry let out a small squeal that quickly turned into a euphoric groan.

    All Draco could think about was the Mark. All he could look at was the Mark as Harry came onto his hand. He quickly pulled out of Harry, grabbing his wand and spelling away the mess. His erection began to soften as he found his wizarding robes, refusing to look at Harry.

    This was a lie.

    He wasn't a Death Eater.

Hell, he had joined the Order of Phoenix.

    He pulled his wand out and pointed it at Harry, "Stupefy!"

    He watched as a look of shock replaced the look of pure bliss on Harry's face. The boy flew backwards into the wall, slumping to the ground.

    Draco ran, tears stinging at his eyes as he desperately clawed at the brand on his skin. His somewhat long nails tore through his pale flesh, a warm liquid poured onto his fingers but he kept scratching at the Mark, wishing he could somehow get rid of it, knowing that it would be there forever.


I'm going to try and do updates every Friday so mark your calendars! Of course now this has been done since the beginning of the week and I just have to wait to release but I want to be more consistent.

Some top Draco there, and I'm a firm believer in top Draco but if you want a sprinkling of top Harry let me know and I'll add a little.

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