Year 5: Part 6

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Draco shouldered his school bag, glaring at Umbridge. She only smiled coldly at him, waving her hand in the direction of the door. "Goodbye, Mr. Malfoy, I'll see you tomorrow at this time."

He glared at her, holding his still bleeding hand. He never thought the day would come when he'd wish for Dumbledore, but he couldn't deny he missed the old wanker. He walked out of her office, grinding his teeth together. What would Dumbledore want him to do? What would Harry, the real Harry underneath all that darkness, want? 

The hallway seemed to stretch for miles and miles, students everywhere. Draco gulped, glancing at the marks on his hand. 

I must not tell lies. 

Taking a deep breath, Draco began walking through the hallway, keeping his head down. People stared, they always did. Malfoys were always stared at, but for once he hated the attention. He passed a group of Hufflepuffs whispering in a small circle. "Umbitch is ruining this school!"

He passed several group of Gryffindors, also talking about Umbridge. "I haven't learned a thing in Defense! What if You-Know-Who shows up, what are we gonna do, throw a book at him?"

Ravenclaw. "I feel my IQ dropping every time I go to class. James! You're standing too close to Marina, remember the rules!"

Draco glanced toward the Slytherins, spotting Pansy hanging on the arm of one of her Ravenclaw friends. "This is terrible!" 

Everyone hated her, besides Harry maybe. Draco ran a finger along his hand, tracing the words. Umbridge had to be stopped. Dumbledore had trusted him, maybe he wanted him to put an end to her reign of terror. He smirked, feeling something spark inside his chest. A feeling he hadn't felt in a long time. "Pansy!" he called, waving the girl over. 

She bounded over, twirling around once for no apparent reason. "What do you want, Dray?"

"I want to rise up against Umbridge. Get someone to teach us how to defend ourselves," he explained, leaning against the wall, eyeing the other people. 

He spotted several others begin to tune into their conversation as Pansy responded, "Like a secret society?"

He chuckled, "Sure, we teach each other how to defend ourselves and... yeah."

Pansy nodded, "That could work."

Another student nodded along, hopping in on the conversation, "I did pretty well in Defense before Umbridge, I could help out."

Draco smirked. 

It didn't take long for a large group of students to form for the "secret society". 

"But where will we meet?" Pansy asked. 

A rather chubby boy pushed through the growing throng of people. It was Neville. Draco eyed the Gryffindor, followed by Weasel and Mudblood. He raised his hand a little, "I know a place."

Draco smirked, "Lead the way."


Fog swirled around Harry's robe. He stepped through the field, following the call of his lord. Voldemort's presence still hung like a dark cloud on his mind, guiding the direction of his thoughts, controlling his will. 

He'd grown used to it over the weeks, having Voldemort in his head for almost a month. He saw his master standing over a grave, black hair blowing in the wind. He looked...Human?

A sharp burst of pain pushed through his head.... What had he been thinking about?

He saw Voldemort, wavy hair blowing in the wind, standing tall over a pair of graves. Harry approached him carefully, standing at a respectful distance. "Master," he said tentatively, watching him turn around. 

"Harry, come closer."

He obeyed, standing next to him and looking at the graves. He gulped, staring at the stones. They were the graves of his parents. 

He expected to feel something in his heart, remorse, anger maybe. But he felt nothing. 

He felt absolutely nothing. 

Voldemort started laughing. 


Sorry it's kind of short, I'm preparing to storm area 51 XD

Does anyone wanna do cover art because my cover artist left. 

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