chapter eighteen

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Prime and Ben were sitting in bed, reading a book. Their curfew had been extended as they had performed well in training that day. Suddenly, Prime exclaimed, "Urgh, that's so gross!" and turned away from the book they were reading together.

"Why is it gross?" he asked her, struggling to hold back his laughter.

"Come on Benny! That's her brother!" She whined as he gave her a look

"I'm your brother"

"Ugh, but we're not blood-related! Only Luther and I, but this girl is with him—Incest!" She complained

"You suggested the book," He said blankly as he shut it.

Prime huffed at him, "Well Klaus said it was a good book"

"I am really worried that you gave Klaus's book suggestion some thought again, Prime," he said, amused.

"Well, sometimes he has good suggestions! Like—

"Like?" Ben asked raising an eyebrow as he set down the book on the bed.

"Like, um...erh...okay, I lied nothing he suggests was good, I'm so horrible" Prime wailed putting her hands on her face.

"Hey," he said as he removed her hand from her face. "Just because you don't like the books he suggests, doesn't mean you are a horrible person. You're always on his side, even when Dad is too hard on him. But that doesn't change anything." Ben comforted her with a smile.

"Am I making him rely on me too much?" she whispered to Ben.

"Ah, I wouldn't say— okay...maybe you do," Ben admitted to her. Prime sighed and threw herself on the bed. "It's just that he can't fight like the rest of us, and he has such a hard time seeing the dead. I understand it's his power, but it can be frustrating sometimes."

Prime was cut off with the Mission alarms and she shot up," What?! Right now?" She said nexasperated as they both got out of the bed.

"I guess I should get ready too," he said as he kissed her cheek and ran out of the room. She walked over to her trunk, opened it, and pulled out her suit. She stripped off her clothes, put on the suit, and reached for her mask.

Prime rushed towards the main entrance, following Luther and Diego who were already there. After a while, the rest of the group arrived and lined up, with Prime standing at the back as usual, since she was not an assigned a number.

"Your mission is Relicmore Museum, there is a raid of at least 20 robbers, I want you to stop them before any of them get out" Vanya peeked down the stairs, and Prime noticed the hurt expression on her face.  Grace stood next to her sister and put an arm around her, comforting Vanya.

✓ | NO NUMBER, ben hargreeves (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now