chapter twenty four

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"I hate to be the one to say this," Luther began, "but everyone needs to prepare

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"I hate to be the one to say this," Luther began, "but everyone needs to prepare." He looked around the room, his eyes settling on each of his siblings. 

"For what?" Diego asked angrily,

"To do whatever it takes to stop Vanya," Prime responded with a groan. She wished Luther was able to hear here, because she had so many colorful words to shout at him. He was, however, cut short because Allison quickly slapped Luther with her notepad, seemingly upset, "I— We may not have a choice," Luther retorted, raising his hands defensively and attempting to defend himself.

"I swear to god Luther," Prime exclaimed loudly, "If I could, I'd smash two bowling balls on your thick skull right now." She paused, still clearly upset, "If you hadn't locked her in that damn vault, we wouldn't be in this situation!" 

Ben chuckled at her words, "You really need to remember they can't hear you Prime." Prime grumbled and continued cursing under her breath, obviously still upset with the situation.

"You are incredibly lucky right now that you can't hear Prime," Klaus said, "because she is saying some things to you Luther, and they are brutal." He mumbled this quietly but still loud enough for everyone to hear, as he opened a newspaper without even looking up.

"Bullshit," Diego chimed in, "There's always options.:

"Yeah, like what?" Five said, looking up at Diego

"Look," Luther said, standing up and looking around at everyone, "whatever we decide, we need to find Vanya. And fast, okay? She could be anywhere" He emphasized the importance of this task

Prime leaped off the bowling stand and stood behind Klaus as he turned the page of the newspaper. "Well, would you look at that, brother dearest," she called, her finger pointed toward the article that caught Klaus's attention.

"Uhhh..." Klaus stuttered as he slowly turned the page of the newspaper, shaking it. "Or... here," he proceeded, holding the newspaper up and facing the others, "look at this."

"That's right," Diego responded confidently, "her concert is tonight."

"Hello," a worker of the bowling alley said as he approached, his manager presumably having sent him over to tell the group off. "I hate to intrude, but my manager says if you're not gonna bowl, you gotta leave." He added, while a shoe counter was in full view of Prime, as the manager slammed shoes on the table.

"Whose turn is it?" Diego asked exasperatedly, as if he were tired of something. Luther let out a grunt in response; he picked up a bowling ball and threw it so fast that it flew to another lane.

Allison promptly started writing on a small sheet of paper and when she was done, she raised it. "She's our sister" was written on it.

"We're the only ones capable of stopping this," Luther proclaimed firmly, emphasizing the importance of their objective, "We have a responsibility to Dad."

✓ | NO NUMBER, ben hargreeves (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now