Chapter 8

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"and remember when I fell off your bed making a loud noise and your mom thought-" I cut myself off with laughter as Max laughed along, I wiped the tears from my eyes.

Max and I laid on the grass at the park sharing the funniest moments we had together, it was the times like these I cherished together.

I played with his fingers as he breathed out softly humming along to the song playing.

"What time do you leave on Sunday?" I asked him softly he sighed gently.

"6 am."

"That's really early." I said slowly, he nodded.


"Yeah, it was the only flight for a plane early and I didn't want to fly in late for traffic." He said, I nodded.

"Right." I said softly as I intertwined my fingers with his smiling at the comparison of our hands, his large and mine small in his hands.

"You have small hands." he said laughing, I smiled and scoffed.

"Your hands are like huge shut up."

"You know what big hands mean." He wiggled how eyebrows and smirked.

"Oh god, max."

"What? big feet, duh." he said, I smacked his arm as he laughed.

"Ohhh." he let out as he smiled at me, I wrinkled up my nose shaking my head at his stupid joke.

He stared at me and sighed.

"What are we amber?"

"What do you mean what are we?"

"This." he referenced. "what is this, are we just friends, boyfriend and girlfriend or what?" he asked, I opened my mouth to say something but I didn't know either.

"Uh, I guess-"

I jumped at the sound of a horn, I sat up looking at the recognizable black car anywhere, to me at least. The window rolled down to reveal Oliver.

"Amber! your boss called she wants you there in an hour!" He yelled from the window.

I felt my jaw drop as I looked at Max and he looked unsure what to do also.

"Come on!" Oliver said sounding irritated, Max got up quickly as he helped me up and we ran to Oliver's car, I got into the front seat as I figured that'd be best for everyone.

I glanced at Oliver as he kept his eyes forward and drove to the house.

"She called and wants me in?"

"That's what I said right?" he said, I felt my confidence drain as the words left his mouth, I sunk into my seat and kept my mouth shut as the air turned thick.

"That was rude." Max chimed in, I turned in my seat quickly to look at Max to tell him to not say anything.

"you want to walk home, maxwell." Oliver sneered, I looked at Oliver as he was purely back to the Oliver I first knew, I could feel the air thicken more as Max huffed and kept quiet.

We arrived at the house and I couldn't wait to escape from the awkward, I jumped out and ran inside the house, upstairs into my room to grab my uniform and quickly changed into it as I fixed my hair.

I walked out my door to see Maxs door open I peeked into his room to see him on his bed.

"Sorry to cut off the time together but I got had to go." I said softly, he shrugged.

"It's ok. we can reschedule."

"Thanks." I said smiling at him. "Sorry for Oliver being an asshole." I said awkwardly, he shrugged again and sighed.

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