Chapter 25

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•Ambers PoV•

"Who yah textin?" Cody asked as he leaned over looking at my phone screen, I held it to my chest as he smirked at me.

"Jordan." I said simply he squinted his eyes and inched closer.

"Liar." he said teasingly, I rolled my eyes as he laughed softly. "You are talking to your boyfrienddddd." He teased as he stood up reeling in his line as he set the pole on the floor of the boat.

"I don't have a boyfriend." I said softly realizing the ugly truth I was single. he simply smirked wider and threw off his shirt before cannon balling off the side of the boat into the water.

"Come on." he said, I shrugged. "Come on." He edged on, I shook my head wrinkling my nose.

"I'm good." I said, he shrugged and stuck out his tongue as he went underwater and swam, I looked at my phone as I got a text.

'Jordan: you are with... cody?'

'Me: yeah he asked me to go out fishing with him today.'

'Jordan: and you went?'

'Me: why not?'

'Jordan: cause it's... cody?'

I rolled my eyes throwing my phone at my bag, she didn't even know Cody.

Cody honestly wasn't the typical guy you would like, I mean yeah he was kinda cute, but he's not one of the major preppy guys, he was just there in between.

He could be a major nerd sometimes and a major dick when he wants to be.

He was different I guess you could say, he was a lot different from Oliver.

All Cody wanted to do was have fun, he was very childish and he always made me laugh at the stupidest things.

I caught myself watching as Cody got back onto the boat and wrapped himself in a towel and flipped his wet hair away out of his eyes, he smiled cheekily and sat on my lap.

I let out a laugh as his wet butt was planted right on my lap.

"Cody!" I laughed out he got up and looked at my lap.

"Oh did I get you wet?" he asked and smirked, then let out a 'ha!' and walked to the seat to drive back, I stood up and sat beside him on the long seat.

"Are you ready to head home?"

I looked around seeing the sunset, I shrugged.

"I suppose, it is getting late." I said stating the fact, he nodded and hit the button to pull back up the anchor and he started the motor as we began moving.

I shivered at the night air Cody kept glancing at me as I looked at the sunset, goosebumps forming up my arms, and down my legs. I felt him nudge me as I jumped looking at him his hand held the towel that was wrapped around his shoulders, I looked at him and smiled as I gently took the towel as I wrapped it around me, yet it was wet but it wasn't cold, it was warm from the water and Cody combined.

I pulled it closer against me as Cody looked at me and smiled.




As we arrived at the dock, I jumped out for him tying the boat to the dock for him, he killed the motor and smiled at me.


"No problem." I said simply as he put everything away an grabbed our stuff, we walked to the car as we talked about how we couldn't wait to graduate next month.

"I'm just going to streak across the stage." he said simply, I laughed as we got into the truck.

"You might get arrested." I said as he shrugged.

"You'd bail me out though right." He said simply as he started the truck and we drove off.


"What!" he asked surprised I said no, I laughed as he leaned on the center console with his elbow, his other hand on the steering wheel.

"I might bail you out. I'm not sure how my parents would feel about me bailing out a streaker but sure." I said, he laughed softly as he drove down the highway, his eyes on the road as he drove thinking hard.

"That snook you caught was huge." He commented, I chuckled and nodded as he glanced at me and smiled. He rambled on about fish and memories I him catching some huge ones before, I stared at him as his eyes lit up while he spoke and he smiled every so often at his own story.



He turned down my street as he finished his story about catching god knows what, he pulled up and put the car in park but left the car running, the drivers side faced my house as he got out with me.

He met me on the other side as his hands were inside his board shorts as he flipped his hair out of his eyes and smiled softly.

"Thanks for going fishing with me." he said awkwardly, I smiled and let out a soft laugh.

"Anytime, I had a lot of fun." I said to him as his cheeks turned pink while he looked around.

He was so awkward when it came to girls.

I thought it was adorable.

What on earth did I just think.

" do you want to do it again sometime?" He asked softly smiling his cheeks red as I smiled at him.

"Of course." I said, he smiled at me as we stood there for a second. "I guess I should just go now." I said softly, he smiled and let out a breath he had been holding in.

"Uhm- ok." He said quietly as I walked past him slowly feeling slight disappointment, I walked up my driveway as he sighed loudly.

"Amber?" he said out loud, I turned feeling my hope rise. "my towel?" My hopes dropped as I 'oh'ed and nodded, I walked back down towards him as he met me halfway.

"Thanks." I said softly, as I turned back on my heel.


"What Cody?" I said now getting irritated, he smiled as he stepped towards me and leaned down pecking my lips gently.

"Thank you." he said cheekily and turned back around and walked back to his truck, he turned and smiled at me as I stared at him amazed.

"That's it?" i asked, his cheeks turned pink.

"You wanted more?" he asked laughing, I walked to his window as he went wide eyed as I rolled my eyes.

"You are an idiot." I said as I kissed him through his car window which was rolled down, I smiled against his lips as he smiled back.

"Goodnight cody."

"Well it definitely is now." he said cheekily, I smiled and laughed as he smiled wider.

"goodnight." he said I smiled as I watched him drive off as I walked towards my house going inside and heading straight to my room, I plopped onto my bed as I stared at the ceiling.

Cody kissed me.

I just kissed cody.

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