Chapter 2

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I pushed the access pieces of my hair out of my face as it laid on top of my head in a messy bun.

I opened my door my phone in my hand with my cup in the other, I walked down the staircase and looked at the boys on the couch, a smirk stuck out most as I noticed Oliver's eyes on me. Jake sat with him as they played GTA together, I rolled my eyes at Oliver, walking into the kitchen.

"Whadup lil sis." jake said as I put ice in my cup from the freezer, I looked at him from the kitchen, I shrugged.

"Nothing, like usual." I said in monotone, I filled my up with water as I texted quickly on my phone, I smiled at the text on my phone.

"what are you smiling at." jake said as I stared at my phone, I looked back up quickly, and shook my head.

"Stupid joke."

"Figured." he shrugged, I nodded and glanced at Oliver to see his cocky smirk present, he waved his fingers at me I smiled falsely and slowly put up my middle finger still smiling, his smirk simply widened, I rolled my eyes as I grabbed my cup and phone and walked up the staircase back into my room.

I plopped on my bed as I grabbed my laptop again looking at the beauty on my screen.

His name was named Max.

he lived in another part of the state.

I visited him on summers and holiday vacations.

"So he's there again?" Max asked his hand ok his chin as he frowned, Max was very attractive, he had long brown hair, and bright blue eyes similar to Oliver, wonders why I found Oliver attractive.

"Yeah, being the same bastard he usually is."

"I wish I was there." he frowned as I took a sip from my drink and then laughed then pouted. "I'll see you this summer right?" He said smiling now, his dimples more defined and deep.

"Like usual." I said he smiled and just stared at me as he fluttered his eye lashes. "Stop that." I laughed as I set my cup on the dresser beside me. I moved back into the view of the camera and smiled at him as he smirked.

"nice butt."

"Shut up, you didn't see shit."

"You know what you are right you should wipe better."

"Max!" I said loudly as he giggled like a girl, I blushed and shook my head as he lifted his headphone microphone and started singing.

"and iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-ey-ye-ey will always loveee-"

I cut him off slamming my laptop screen down as my room door busted open, in came jake and oliver.

Oliver flopped himself onto my bed beside me smirking widely, jake rolled his eyes but averted his attention back to me.

"I'm heading to mom job, she asked to drop me off her work binder, I'll be back in a few." He said as he started to walk out, Oliver stayed put.

"Aren't you going to take your dog." I said motioning to oliver, jake laughed slightly.

"He doesn't want to go." Jake said I felt my eyes glare at Oliver while he smiled at me laying beside me, I scooted off my bed and walked to my door opening it up.

"Get out."

"But amb-"

"No." I cut him off, he pouted and sat up.

"Why don't you come love me?" He asked, I glared harder as he smirked.

"Cause you are annoying."

"You love it."

"No I don't, you are annoying and I don't want you anywhere fucking near me." I said his face dropped, he got up off my bed and walked out of my room.

I rolled my eyes.

"Drama queen." I grumbled, I walked back to my laptop as I opened it back up to see the call had ended, I sighed deeply and shut my computer off.

I grabbed my shoes slipping them on, and grabbing my long board and heading out of my room, i put my headphones in my ears as I walked out the door slamming it ignoring Oliver's stare while I walked out.

I enjoyed the loudness of my music as my longboard carried me across the pavement.

But it stopped as I got a text.

'Oliver: maxy boy is probably upset you left him'

I immediately stopped my board, feeling my stomach in my feet.

How'd he know about max..

I realized half of this chapter was cut off when I published it before, so sorry guys!

It won't be the same as I intended it to be and will be shorter but I'll make it work!

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