Chapter 26

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He was the only thing on my mind.
All I could think was, was it just an attraction?

Was he a rebound?

Did I have feelings?

Did he have feelings?

We always gave subtle smiles to each other in school, as I walked I could feel his eyes on me, and as I turned, I knew they were on me.

When my friends left, he joked with me and flirted with me I suppose.

He thought my friends were weird and he kept his distance, I don't blame him, my friends are quite weird and they could be quite scary.

We never talked more into the night we went fishing and we kissed, but I thought about it all the time.

I moved my hair out of my face as I rummaged through my closet for something to wear, a knock on the door made me stop, I ran to my window, as I saw a truck sitting outside, a smile spread across my face as i ran out my door.

"I got it!" I yelled as I flung open my front door there stood cody, he smiled softly and waved awkwardly.

"Hey." he said awkwardly, I smiled.

"What are you doing here cody?"

"I uhm- I wanted to see if you wanted to go fishing?" I felt my stomach drop because I would love to go fishing with him right now, but I can't, I sighed as I looked at his big blue eyes.

"I can't today." he frowned. "I'm going out to dinner with my parents in like a few minutes." I said softly, he pouted and sighed.

"Maybe next time?" he asked, I nodded softly he smiled turning on his heel. "see you later." I watched as he walked down my driveway, I quickly thought of something as I called out his name.

"Come with us to dinner?" I blurted out, he stared at me in shock but let out a breath of air smiling and nodded, I smiled as he smiled wider.

"I'll be back." he said as he got into his car.

"Meet us at Outback 6." I said he nodded giving me a thumbs up as he pulled out, I turned running upstairs deciding I'll have to make a better decision on clothing for this dinner.
"Where is your friend?" my mom asked softly as she sipped her water, I shrugged tapping my foot as I looked around for the head of dirty blonde hair.

"You look very nice tonight amber." she commented, I smiled at her.

"Thank you."

"Surely wouldn't have anything to do with your 'friend.'?" I looked at her and shook my head.

"He's just a friend mom." my dad laughed amused at our small spiff, I turned as I watched, finally seeing Cody's head pop up, I got up and walked slightly quick to the waiting area, Cody saw me worry in his eyes.

"I'm so sorry I'm late, I couldn't find my shoe." he said as he pointed to his black Janoskis, I looked back up at him as I laughed and shook my head.

"You are fine, at least you showed."

"I'm nervous."


"I'm meeting your parents." he said it like it was obvious as he walked behind me to the table.

"You will be fine." I said as he sighed in my ear unintentionally, my parents focused their attention onto Cody as we appeared in front of the table and my parents smiled softly eyeing him.

"Mom, dad, This is Cody." I introduced softly, they smiled as Cody nodded gently.

"Nice to meet you." he said as he stuck out his hand to shake theirs, I scooted into the booth as Cody moved in beside me.

"So. Cody." My dad said softly, Cody looked at him, licking his lips. "what do you do for fun?" I rolled my eyes subtly at the question my dad always asked, Cody let out a breath.

"Uhm, I like to go fishing, and I skate board a little bit." he said softly, I smiled at my lap as my dad 'oh'ed.

"You like to fish?"

"Yes sir."

"You have your own boat?"

"Yes I do." Cody said proudly, my dad smiled glancing at me.

My dad loved boats, and he loved fishing.

Cody could be my dad's new best friend.
As the night flew by quickly, Cody and my parents got along easily and they adored him.
After fighting over the check and who was paying, we walked out onto the beach at the back of Outback. Cody's hand hit my lower back gently as we walked towards the shoreline, I smiled to myself and slipped off my sandals as I kept walking forward into the water holding my black dress up slightly.
The waves crashed onto the shore hitting my calfs, I turned around looking at Cody as he had his hands in his pockets watching me with a smile.

"Now you want to get in the water." he said I smiled and laughed, nodding my head. He let out a breath and flipped his hair out of his eyes. "you know, I actually really enjoyed talking to your father, it wasn't just because I had too, I wanted too. Also I was serious about taking him fishing." he said to me, I felt my smile widen as I felt my insides warm, my family was really important to me, and the fact that Cody was becoming a part of that made my inside mush.
I walked straight up to him and kissed his cheek softly and slowly, his cheeks turning a deep red.

"What was that for?"

"Being the one guy who actually had a heart and gave a shit." I said softly he smiled softly at me and hugged me gently, I wrapped my arms around him softly feeling his warmth and inhaling his scent.
I watched as the sun set, colors of pink and orange streaking across the blue sky, I shuffled closer towards Cody.

After a few minutes of standing there in pure silence, we walked to his truck and he drove me home. He walked me to my front door, and put his hands into his pockets and cleared his throat smiling slightly.

"I had fun tonight, thanks for inviting me."

"Of course." I said softly.

"Maybe we can do it again." He blushed. "just you an i." he said as he smiled in hope, I smiled looking away, hiding my own shade of blush.

does that mean a date?

"I'd love too." I said anyway, he smiled widely.

"Awesome." he paused, I smiled at his awkwardness. "goodnight amber." he said softly.

I let my hopes drown as the hope for him kissing me dissipated, I his my disappointment with a smile and a nod.

"Goodnight cody." I said to him gently, he smiled turning on his heel, I watched as he walked to his truck slowly, reluctantly.

I sighed softly looking down turning to face my door my hand on the handle.

"Amber?" he said softly, I turned back to him as he had his mouth open trying to squeeze out words.

I smiled softly.

"It's not that I don't want too, I want to really badly but, I don't kiss till the first date."

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