Chapter 12

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"I'm happy you told my brother." I said, he nodded and smiled and scoped a mouthful of ice cream into his mouth as we sat in his kitchen.

"Me too, but it's kinda awkward for him now that he knows I-" he paused making air quotes with his fingers. "shove my tongue down your throat." he said imitating my brothers voice, I smiled and laughed blushing softly.

"We'll you kinda do." Oliver turned his head quickly as I busted out laughing.

"I most definitely do not!" He fought, I shook my head laughing.

"ok babe." I said softly, he smirked.

"But I could."

"I wouldn't let you."

"Bullshit." he called, I smiled and shook my head.

"Ok fine, I wouldn't kiss back though."

"Bull poo poo again." He sung, I smiled in amusement and shook my head, he smiled and leaned in but I dropped my spoon in my bowl turning and running towards the living room and just as my feet hit the carpet, hands grabbed my waist and picked me up then dropped me on the carpet softly.

"Get off!" I whined as he sat on my waist, he grabbed my wrist pinning me to the floor as he smirked, he leaned down as he kissed me softly, I fought the urge as I kept my lips together tightly. I giggled as his tongue ran across my lips and his finger tips lifted my shirt slightly his fingers running across my skin creating goosebumps on my arms, I kept my mouth shit as he smiled against my lips, he moved slightly on my hips, I felt my heart beat quickly as he ground his hips into mine. I gasped slightly as he took the chance to slip his tongue into my mouth, I made a sound as he chuckle deeply.

I fought the of his strawberry flavored lips as his tongue explored every inch of my mouth, he pulled away and pouted after a few.

"I'm kinda offended you can resist that easily."

I smirked and nodded as he pouted letting go of me as he got up sitting on the couch, crossing his arms like a child pouting. I smiled getting up as I stood in front of him.

"I said I could resist you but I never said it was easy."

Oliver kept his pouting for not pleased at my words I sighed and walked in front of him, he kept his eyes ahead of him but that changed as I squatted in from of him and set my hands on his knees, his eyes widened at my actions but stayed silent. i internally groaned and surprised him by sitting on his lap, each knee on either side of his leg, I gently grabbed his hands moving them to his side as I set my hands on his shoulders, softly I kissed his neck till I found the place that made him tense slightly and draw a breath in. I smirked against his neck as I kissed softly and decided, why not leave a hickey.

"You can't ignore me Oliver." I whispered in his ear and blew on his red skin gently, he shivered and looked at me.

"I can't really." he admitted as he kissed me gently his hands on my lower back, I smirked against his lips as he did as well, this time it was my turn as I ran my tongue across his lip, the flavor from his strawberry ice cream still on his lips as I'm sure he could taste the chocolate on mine.

My guess was answered as he hummed against my lips in pleasure.

I decided to copy his actions as I inched slightly closer to him, he knew what he was doing as he froze slightly, as we were hip to hip, I ground my hips into his, he let out a noise that made me laugh internally as he gripped my leg tightly.

"Are you trying to kill me?"

"No." I said smiling as we were nose to nose, his lips formed a smile as he pecked my lips softly. "Our ice cream is melting." I commented as he chuckled deeply and shook his head.

"Oh darn." he said sarcastically, I pouted as he smiled and kissed me again, this time pulling away and biting my lip gently.

"Are you asking me personally to rip your clothes off?" I asked jokingly, he laughed and nodded.

"I wish you would." I rolled my eyes and ran my hands up the bottom of his shirt my hands laid on his warm skin on his back softly as I laid against him gently letting out a breath.

"You are amazing." I breathed out, he chuckled.

"says you."

"Ha, ha." I said sarcastically, he smiled and kissed my forehead, I laid my head in his shoulder and softly pecked his neck as I saw the purplish red mark on his neck, I inched closer and playfully bit his neck. he jumped and giggled almost. "That was cute." I said in his ear my lips brushing his ear, he squirmed underneath me, I smiled and got up.

I held my hand out to him as I stood before him.


"Let's go for a walk, we can walk to the store on the corner." I said to him, he smiled and intertwined out fingers as he grabbed his wallet and phone slipping it straight into his pocket then we walked out the door together, it was dark and quiet, I liked it like that.

Call me weird.

"Who knows if they are still open." he said silently, I shrugged as I took in a breath.

"I won't care."

"I would I want a mountain dew." he said softly, I squeezed his hand.

"Oh, good point." I said he looked at me and chuckled, I giggled as he kept staring at me.

"Why on earth are you staring at me."

"Cause I really really like you." He said deeply, I smiled and felt my stomach turn in happiness and butterflies.

"I really really like you too." I said back to him, he smiled leaning down and pecked my lips.

We walked down the block as we passed some people we received looks, well I received weird looks. I frowned as Oliver ignored them all, he held my hand tightly as we walked into the store, the man behind the counter watched us as his eyes widened.

"Why is everyone staring at us?" I whispered to oliver, he shrugged nonchalantly and grabbed two mountain dews from the fridge/cooler thing. I held them as we walked to the counter and I set them on the thing, the man gave me a surprised look as I smiled warmly at him.

"Hello." I said softly as he nodded then looked at Oliver and eyed him, he looked back at me.

"You are-" the man was cut off when he looked at Oliver, he gulped and shut his mouth as he rung up the sodas up. Oliver paid the man and received his change then turned walking out the door with me under his arm.

Everyone I saw had turned as they gossiped to each other, glancing at us occasionally.

"What the hell." I asked softly Oliver looked at me as he opened the soda and took a sip.

"Hm?" he asked I shook my head shrugging it off, he arched his eyebrow and shrugged as we walked back to his house, my mind was completely lost in thought as that was possibly the weirdest experience to the corner store I've ever experienced.

What's going on?

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