Chapter 21

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•Oliver's PoV•

I slammed my fists into the punching bag in front of me quickly bouncing back on my feet rapidly. Each time they piled harder at the thought of Sean and amber.

One week.

It's been a-whole-nother week since I talked to Audrey about amber.

I was starting to give up.

Sean and Amber never appeared out of no where, they weren't at Sean's house, ambers parents said they only see her in the morning and she doesn't talk.

I've gotten no texts, or calls.

Due to the reason that she blocked my number.

I huffed out a breath of air as I hit the bag one last time before shaking off my anger throwing down the empty I water bottle I chugged the water out of, I hit the showers quickly and picked up my bag as I was done heading home.

I slammed on my breaks as I passed the mall on the back road, I saw a brunette leaned up against a familiar black sports car, I quickly turned into the mall and pulled up in the spot beside them, I watched as ambers eyes widened in surprise at the sight of me, she looked around quickly.

"O-Oliver, you have to go."

My heart fell as those were the first words she first said to me when she saw me.

"Amber." I breathed out. "Why?" I asked, she shook her head looking back at the mall entrance quickly.

"I can't be seen with you."


"Sean will kill.." she stopped short as she shut her mouth, I eyed her as I realized what Audrey had been talking about how she had bruises and scratches all over her. I stepped closer.

"Has he been hurting you?"

"Uh-" she said looking away as she was thinking of a lie to tell.

"Amber please come with me." I begged as I ran my hands through my wet hair, waiting anticipation filled.

"I- I cant."


"Oliver, I cant." she said her voice cracking as her eyes watered heavily.

"Why!" I almost shouted. "I know you love me amber! come with me nothing's stopping you right now!"

"I can't." She whispered as tears fell down her cheeks, I felt like my heart had been ripped out.

"You cant." I said coldly.

"Oliver please, I just can't tell yo-"

"Now. it's not an option." I said as I picked her up and put her in my passenger seat, she fought as she tried to get out, crying, begging me to please stop.

I got into the drivers seat as I drove off quite quickly.

"Oliver." she paused. "what have you done." she cried as she wiped her cheeks, I glanced at her as she simply stared ahead of her blankly.

"Wh- what do you mean what have I done!"

"You just kidnapped me from my.. from my boyfriend." she said as I could hear the reluctance in her voice at the word boyfriend. I pulled over onto the side of the road putting my car in park.

"Amber. I know you don't love him, I know he hurts you, but I don't know why you are still with him or why you left me." I said softly facing her in my seat as she stared down in her lap.

"If I tell you why-" she paused. "-it will all just get worse." She whispered hoarsely I felt pure confusion as she looked at me tears all over her cheeks, I gently went to wipe one but she flinched away, I dropped my hand.

"It doesn't matter I'm going to kill him for hurting you like this in the first place." I threatened, she stared at me.

"You can't Oliver, he will ruin your life, get you killed. I can't let you do that." She begged as I sat back in realization.

"Is that what this is about?" I paused as she stayed silent clarifying my question. "god fucking dammit."

"He threatened you with me?" She nodded slowly.

"Amber, you have to understand, no one could hurt me, they have nothing to hurt. you are the only thing that could hurt me. I don't care about boxing, or what people think, as long as you are with me, I could be the happiest man alive." I paused. "Sean is a criminal, he hardly comes out because all the cops know his face and he is wanted by many dead." I said as I put my car in drive and drove down the street quickly to my house.

"He will find us, and he will kill us." she said scared and looked at me.

"No he won't." I paused. "he wouldn't dare come near me now." I said feeling angry he said these things, i pulled into my neighborhood as I pulled out my phone.

I dialed the police station, I reported Sean's sighting and hung up as I pulled into my driveway.

"I'm so sorry Oliver." I heard her whisper hoarsely, I shut off my car as I grabbed her hand gently and kissed it softly.

"Don't be sorry for anything baby girl, you did nothing wrong." I said to her softly. "now come on, let's get you cleaned up." I said to her gently as she gave me a weak smile.

I finally had my princess back.

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