Chapter 24

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•Oliver's PoV•

It's been maybe two months, since i was sitting on a hospital floor covered in ambers blood.

I haven't seen amber, heard from her or talked about her.

It took every but of strength I had to not drive to her house and hug her.

but I deserve the heartbreak I suppose, I did keep getting her hurt and into trouble.

"Oliver, go home already." My trainer said as I continued to throw punches at the bag in front of me, I could feel my knuckles throbbing at the pain. "You've been here since five this morning."

"What time is it?" I huffed out as I stopped looking at him, he looked at his watch and back at me. "five." I rolled my eyes and turned on my heel and grabbed my stuff shoving it into my bag.

"This isn't a way to get over her ol. I've told you this before." he said to me softly, I frowned at my bag and angrily shoved very thing in there.

"It's working so obviously it is."

"Obviously it's not." he said sternly, I glared at him throwing my bag over my shoulder.

"Don't worry about me, I can take care of myself." I said angrily and walked out of the gym to my car, I threw my bag into the back and sat in the drivers seat as I started the car, sitting in the cold air for a second before driving off.

I tapped my fingers on the steering wheel silently, I groaned at the sight of my gas on E.

"God dammit." I scowled and turned into the closest gas station, I pulled into the pump across from a truck, I sighed turning off my car and walking out into the small store at the gas station, I bumped into someone as they were walking down the isle, I looked at the kid as he had dirty blonde hair and blueish green eyes, I apologized as he brushed it off giving a smile in apologies.

"Don't worry about it." he said as he turned down the isle looking at chips, I turned going to the clerk as I paid for my gas, I walked back to my car as I shoved my wallet back into my bag and began to pump my gas into my car, I sighed looking out at the highway the cars zooming past.

"I told you the cape cod ones Cody, god dammit." I heard the voice that made my stomach turn and my throat close.

"Well god dammit Amber." I heard the kid from the stores voice, I squeezed the gas pump harder wishing it would go faster so I didn't have to see amber, as much as I wanted to.

Turn around Oliver, look at her.

"Ow." I heard amber say as I couldn't help but turn and look seeing the 'Cody' kid throw the bag of chips at her, she laughed and picked it up off the floor as he smiled at her, they both got into the truck ahead of me and laughed with each other I turned looking the other way.

She's with another guy, happy.

She moved on.

I should too.

I said to myself as I bit my cheek harshly, I was surprised as I didn't hear or see the truck pull off, till the surprise ran away and I heard ambers voice.

"Oliver?" I sighed as my pump finished now.

It's not that I didn't want to see amber, trust me I did, just I was dangerous, and I didn't want to see her hurt anymore.

slowly, I turned on my heel and looked at her as I set the pump back into the station thing, she stared at me as I glanced at the guy I bumped into the store sitting in the driver seat watching closely.

I cleared my throat about to say something but she cut me off as she ran into my arms and hugged me. Her arms wrapped around my neck tightly as she had her head stuffed into my neck breathing softly.

I gently wrapped my arms around her as I felt my heart beat quicken, I pulled her closer as she hugged tighter.

"I missed you so much." she said softly, I softly breathed out.

"I missed you too." I said in her ear as she reluctantly let go.

"Why haven't you called me? why'd you leave?" She asked as she stared at me I shoved my hands into my pockets and cleared my throat.

" your mom told me too. I'm dangerous to you amber, I can't put you in that situation of danger-"

"What if I want to be?" She said simply, I arched my eyebrow as she stared at me seriously.

"You want to be in danger?"

"If it means being with you, yes." she said bluntly, I smiled softly and glanced at the guy in the truck as he played on his phone.

"What about him?"

"Oh who? Cody?" She asked, shaking her head. "just a friend."

That's how it all starts.

"Ok, we'll I'll call you later we can meet up or something." I said she nodded, her eyes lit up quickly.

"Oh! we are going to go fishing, want to come?" she said happily, I smiled and shrugged.

"Not really my thing."

"Oh come on! I'll teach you." she said smiling, I shook my head as she frowned.

"I have to do some stuff." lies. "maybe next time?" lies.

She nodded at my answer hugging me goodbye as she got into the truck with Cody smiling wide as they drove off.

God I should've went.

Ambers pretty easy to pull some moves on, god knows what this Cody kid has planned on this 'fishing trip'.

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